Struggling to build Griefdefender

Once i get back on my pc ill take a look. Maybe that grief defender has changed so my instructions maybe out of date.

Ill also see if i can get round the 503 error

Ye, the website still is unreachable it says

So just tried it myself and it works fine using those steps.

Turns out thats not the website it should be getting it from (thats only for worldedit code) however its trying to get it from that website because its just trying all the possible sites it knows.

Shouldn’t make a difference but I did run all my gradle code in the program called Intellij (a program to build java programs)

So any idea what i might be doing wrong then?? i tried running it trough Intellij and got the same error towards the end. My gradle version is 7.5.1 if that can affect it

It should be 5.6.4. if you used gradlew it should be that version. However if you used gradle then it will use your version of gradle installed

i used gradlew to build, will it matter if i use jre instead of jdk?

As long as %JAVA_HOME% is set as java 8 it doesn’t matter. As for JDK vs JRE. JDK (Java development kit) is needed to build

my java -version says im using SE Runtime Enviroment, would that explain why im getting an error on the second gradlew? even tough i cleared the first one with no problems?

The java command is for the JRE. The javac is the JDK command

And 1.8.0_202 is the correct version?

Thats a version of java 8 so yeah

man im stumped idk what i should do to fix this then

If you work out where it downloads to, you could manually install it.

Its the MCP 1.12.2 mappings

The bit that requires it is called ForgeGradle

so i need to find the MCP 1.12.2 mappings and put them into ForgeGradle? i cant find any ForgeGradle Folder though. Or do i need to download forgegradle and put it in sponge?

Like i said. Find out where ForgeGradle downloads mcp to and manually put it there

Ah i had mcp in my cache. I cleared my cache and now i got the 503 error

Screenshot - 41ca9491a0186b988ea08b9e7530acad - Gyazo is theese the files we are looking for?

Found a work around.

If you go into the sponge folder you will see a file called build.gradle

If you open that and first remove the line 134 and lines between 97-100 and then 61-64.

That removes the need for worldedit, so then you need to put the old sponge plugin of worldedit in the libs folder.

This also stops gradle from checking the world edit url with a invalid name (resulting in the 503 error) - it seems recently that website has changed to make it just return 503 if it doesnt know the url. That stops gradle from checking the other urls for it

Amazing! thank you so much for the help, it finally works!

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Worked for me to you wizard @MoseMister :mage:

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