STS - STS allows players to sell their Pixelmon to the server

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, STS. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Introducing STS (Sell to Server) for Pixelmon Reforged
STS is a Sponge plugin that allows you to sell any Pokemon to the server using boosters. Boosters are things that are predefined that set a certain amount of money based on certain aspects of the Pokemon.

Currently Installed Boosters

  1. Money per Level Booster: This booster will allow you to give a certain amount of money for each level your Pokemon has.
  2. Shiny Booster: This booster will give the player extra money if the Pokemon is shiny.
  3. Custom Texture Booster: This booster will give the player extra money if the Pokemon has a custom texture attached.
  4. Hidden Ability Booster: This booster will give the player extra money if the Pokemon has a Hidden Ability.
  5. IV Booster: This booster will give a certain amount of money for every percentage of IV.
  6. Perfect IV Booster: This booster will give you extra money if the Pokemon has perfect IVs.
  7. Legendary Booster: This booster will give the player extra money if the Pokemon is a Legendary.

Each booster is completely optional. STS has an external config where you can set the values of all of the above boosters. If the value is 0, the booster will not be enabled.

This plugin has an inventory GUI. Simply use /STS and the menu will be opened. If you hover over the Pokemon it will show you how much its worth and a breakdown of all of the boosters applied. There is a confirmation page so players can not accidentally sell their Pokemon.

Permission Nodes
sts.sts.base: The base command for /STS.
sts.sts.admin: Allows the use of /STS reload in game so you can reload your configuration file.

STS has an API! You can add your own custom boosters by referencing the STS jar in your workspace. You can create a booster by implementing IBooster. Once you fill out the fields, use STSAPI to submit your changes directly into STS. It will automatically start to work and apply to Pokemon

STS is open source. Find it on GitHub: GitHub - AnDwHaT5/STS

Grettings AnDwHaT5,

Thanks for the STS plugin. It is something that I plan on using for a server I am working on, but I do have a question:

How would one do an EVbooster? Calling the NBTkeys doesn’t work at all, and I have tried altering how the EV stat is called and it doesn’t seem to want to work. Any ideas on how I would go about making this work?

will this be updated for pixelmon 7?

I’ll forward it to the developer! Follow progress by joining the Pixelmon discord,

Can’t seem to get it to work. STS produces an error when I try to open the gui.

Heya, I’m having an error when I try to run the /sts command
“Error occurred while executing command; com/pixelmonmod/pixelmon/storage/PixelmonStorage”

Anyone found a fix to the storage error?

For those of you that are looking for a more up to date version, you might want to look at this: Releases · TheKnightKarim/PixelmonSTS · GitHub .