TabChanger - Customizes and changes default minecraft tab

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, TabChanger. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

TabChanger customizes and changes default minecraft tab

Simple customizable plugin that uses simple configuration syntax!


  1. Supports color codes
  2. Supports multiple tags, from retrieving world the player current in to server uptime.
  3. Supports placeholders, you can change how different tags in different values can be shown, for example you can set if tps value is less or equals than 20, but not equals 0 you can show tps value in green color, while if tps is less or equal 15 will be shown in red color.
  4. Supports random text in footer of the tab, for example, you want to make messages that will be shown in the bottom of the tab by random after every tab refresh.


How to use:

More info in config.conf file in the plugin (“./tabchanger/”) directory.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Now animations can be added into tab.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

First release of the TabChanger, added main functionality.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Added support to create and put your own animation tags.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Added new feature that player now can create it’s own animation tags and use them in tab.
Fixed MAJOR issue in which first of new first connected player was shown on tab for all players.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Availability to create your own animation tags has been removed, all previous versions that have this features are now marked as unstable and SHOULD NOT BE USED AT ALL COSTS.

This version marked as:
Original version of the mod, with simple configuration, and no issues.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Now player in placeholders settings can use tags for retrieving values such as player-balance {balance}, max-players {max-players}.

Tags will be replaced with real numeric values in placeholders settings.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

Fixed comment from plugin configuration, comment was from JoinChanger plugin configuration file.

A new version has been released for TabChanger, it is available for download here.

PATCH version. Has been fixed and improved build plugin project settings.

Now there is no unnecessary files in the plugin .jar file. Now plugin .jar file (start from 0.2.3version) is small in size.