Tables in Markdown?

So I was looking for a nice way to display my commands list, and of course I figured I’d use a table. Then I find out that Markdown has no tables. So is it:
a. Possible to use tables in the SpongeForums?
b. Possible to use tables in Ore?
c. Possible to add support for tables in one or both of them?

I know I could use a markdown table generator, but I’d really rather have native support.

Markdown does in fact have tables, like so:

1 2 3
a b c
d e f

However it seems the forums seems to ignore it.
The forums seems to completely ignore all tables, in fact; below this sentence is an HTML table.

1 2 3
a b c
d e f

Does it? Daring Fireball: Markdown Basics

That table syntax is a GitHub-flavored Markdown feature, and not part of the CommonMark spec, which simply suggests using HTML <table>s.

That said, I think both forms of table should be supported here in the future.

Tables do work on Ore.