TablistBoard - A simple plugin for creating a multilanguage Tablist and Scoreboard

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, TablistBoard. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Scoreboard and Tablist for Sponge on version 1.16.5+.

LocaleAPI plugin is required.

All text is specified in the locale files.

Reload command - /tbreload. Permission - tablistboard.reload

API8(1.16.5) docs → TablistBoard/ at API8 · SawFowl/TablistBoard · GitHub


%name% - player name
%entity-display-name% - player custom name
%player-ping% - player ping
%entity-uuid% - player UUID
%player-level% - player level
%world% - player world
%location% - player location on server
%position% - player double position
%block-position% - player integer position
%server-tps% - server tps
%world-time%- minecraft world time(hour:minute)
%online-players%- current online all players
%staffs-online%- current online staffs players(staff permission - tablistboard.staff)
%player-rank% - player rank(metaperm)
%player-prefix% - player prefix(metaperm)
%player-suffix% - player suffix(metaperm)
%player-balance% - player balance
%currency:currency_name_or_id% - the displayed currency. Affects the %player-balance% placeholder
%statistic:statistic_name_or_id% - player stat

RegionGuard Placeholders(optional):

%regionguard:region-name% - current player region
%regionguard:region-type% - region type
%regionguard:region-owner% - region owner
%regionguard:region-trust-level% - the type of trust a player has in the region
%regionguard:region-min% - region’s minimum position
%regionguard:region-max% - region’s maximum position
%regionguard:region-size% - region size
%regionguard:region-members-size% - members in region
%regionguard:region-created% - region creation date
%regionguard:claims-created% - the number of regions created by the player
%regionguard:claims-limit% - player’s regions limit
%regionguard:blocks-claimed% - the number of blocks claimed by the player
%regionguard:blocks-limit% - player’s blocks limit
%regionguard:subdivisions-limit% - player’s subdivisions limit
%regionguard:members-limit% - the limit of participants per region per player
%regionguard:max-claims-limit% - the maximum limit of regions a player has (using the economy)
%regionguard:max-blocks-limit% - the maximum limit of blocks a player has (using the economy)
%regionguard:max-subdivisions-limit% - the maximum limit of subdivisions a player has (using the economy)
%regionguard:max-members-limit% - the maximum limit of members a player has (using the economy)

Placeholders can be used by other plugins without depending on this plugin, as long as they use the placeholder API from the LocaleAPI plugin.

For developers:
Use events:

public class Main {

    public void onSetTablistEvent(SetTablistEvent event) {
      //Your code

    public void onSetEntry(SetTablistEvent.SetEntry event) {
      //Your code

    public void onSetScoreboardEvent(SetScoreboardEvent event) {
      //Your code



repositories {
	maven { 
		name = "JitPack"
		url '' 
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.SawFowl:TablistBoard:2.0'

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

First release.

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

Fixed a periodic error when a player login to the server.

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

Add events.

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

Fix for missing player in the tablist event.
Added ability to selectively disable plugin functionality.
Reloading Fix.

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

Support SpongeAPI10/Minecraft 1.19.4
The plugin registers placeholders in LocaleAPI. List of placeholders in documentation.

A new version has been released for TablistBoard, it is available for download here.

Upgrade to SpongeAPI 11.