The Loy Hub Project
The goal of the Loy Hub Project is to create a single hub that connects many independently run servers, and to develop a support community for those servers.
This means servers can share resources like builders, bug fixes and ideas. For players it means a greater variety of things to do and features to explore.
Website: Forums
Who are we / Who am I:
The project is managed by a group of server owners and Minecraft aficionados. Im a long time server owner, developer and occasional artist. You may know me from plugins such as Fe and Nicky.
We have a number of set aims:
- To connect servers, without interfering with them.
- To create a strong community for owners, staff and players.
- To welcome new servers and help them grow.
- To form a support community to server owners and players.
Have a server? Heres what you need to know:
The Hub is a BungeeCord and Lobby server hosted on OVH servers in Quebec, Canada. Any server is welcome to join, regardless of weather its under development or years old. However we do look for a level of quality and uniqueness in each server. Your server can be in version 1.8, 1.9 or 1.10.
- There is no cost.
- You can join/leave at any time.
- Whitelisted servers are not a problem. The player will get your regular disconnect message.
- Your server list votes will not be effected. We recommend you direct votifier to your raw server ip.
- Every server gets a forum category should they need it.
- You can continue to use your own website, forum if you wish.
- You’re server needs to be in NewYork/Quebec area for best speed with the hub.
- We canon’t accept Offline servers at the moment, we would like this to change, however there is currently no authentication system that really meets the needs of this project.
When someone connects to the hub with your ip, they will automatically be forwarded to your server, your motd and server icon will also be displayed. Players can access the hub with /hub. The hub also implements a cross server friend and party system with /friend and /party.
Why does this exist / What do we get out of it?
In an increasingly commercialized world or paid plugins I can understand why someone would ask this. In short, its a passion project.
It started as a plan to create a hub between a number of friends servers. Iv been doing small to medium servers since 2011, and Iv always felt that while running a server as a hobby is enjoyable, it can be a little isolating. I think the hub project is something I would have really liked to have been a part of when I started hosting.
How can I get involved?
If you run a server and are interested in joining send a PM, we will setup an application form in the future.
Servers joining will be reviewed by existing server owners, a majority favour vote is required for a server to be accepted.
If you don’t run a server, don’t worry, there are still lots of things you can do to get involved with.
###Contact me:
If you’d like to get in contact with me, you can pm me here or message at:
Discord: Melonking
Steam: Melonking
####What we need:
- Builders willing to help out existing servers and work with a build team.
- Developers able to work in Bungee, Spigot and/or Sponge.
- Web developers able to work in PHP and/or JavaEE.
- Events planners and promoters.
- Graphic designers, artists and musicians.
- Anyone with an idea to share or enthusiasm for the project.