Hi, Im new here, so I dont fully understand how this works but I have the timings sponge gives here: Aikar's Timings Viewer
I am running a medium server with 40 people, and with a few mods, I followed so many guides to optimize but I still have this numbers, so if anyone could help me I would be so gratefull.
For more info: The server is a vps with 8 of the 16 cores of an AMD EPYC 7282 and 30Gb of ram
If its needed i can give the settings file of every mod/plugin and server
It looks like your players are generating chunks. Pre-generating the world (within a world border) can remove a lot of the lag associated with that. There is also an optimisation guide made by a third party you might make use of, which has a Pixelmon focus. Performance Guide
Lag spikes happening every 2.5 minutes looks like something going on with world saving; is a mod or plugin handling that?
Overall, most of the lag is Entiity tick. You have 20,000 tile entities loaded - and with 49 players online, that’s about the sort of thing you should expect. There’s only so much plugins can do; when there’s a big player count on a modded server, the impact can be huge. If you really need to drill down into causes, you could try using Spark profiler.