đźš© MagiBridge - A new Discord <-> Minecraft chat forwarder plugin!

My plugin won’t create any chat channels, it will only forward already created channels from the supported chat plugins. That way you can use the chat plugin you want (from the supported chat channels) and let them handle the chat.

The main goal of this plugin, differently than DiscordBridge, is to provide a way to link any chat channel to discord, not only 3.

You may have misread what the plugin already does. It links to an already created channel and relays all MC server messages to that channel and vice verse.

I think you got it wrong. DiscordBridge handles ONLY the vanilla sponge chat, and the ONLY staff channel supported is the Nucleus one (you can see it here) . My plugin actually has the benefit of forwarding both UltimateChat global and staff channel, differently from DiscordBridge, that would send both global/staff/local chat to the same discord channel.

It would be nice if there was a way to just forward whatever channel you wanted, but hey.

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MagiShat build coming! :smile:

Maybe everyone else is too kind to point it out, but I’m not.

The name just doesn’t fly.

Yes i know it’s not technically bad and yes I know my mind is down in the deepest sewers, but it really resembles one other two word phrase that would not be appropriate on the forums.

Also the name doesn’t roll off the tongue if you say it verbatim.

In MY opinion you could have picked a much better name, but what do i know about naming things? I just prepend the word “Fox” to the word that best describes the project.


DiscordBridge plugin sended messages from CustomNPC to Discord. Is there too?
I can’t test it, sorry. I use Nucleus, have not UltimateChat.

I’ve been thinking the same thing since he posted the plugin.


Hmm, I know what you mean xD I think I I’m gonna change the name of the plugin…

Discussion moved to the Ore post, here:

Everything works but I get this error spammed every time someone speaks:

Try using this build and let me know if it works.

does this mod support Multi server chat,

so say 3 server chats all joined

It supports chat plugins, I think UltimateChat has inter-server chat, if it does then MagiBridge supports.

Getting this error: [10:41:27] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: Could not pass MessageChannelEvent$Ch - Pastebin.com

Update LuckPerms.

Alight i’ll give it a shot

Thanks, that worked and no errors :grinning:

In our continuing effort to phase out the Plugin Releases category, this thread is being locked because the plugin is already listed on Ore.

Check it out: Eufranio / MagiBridge