I ran into a problem downloading on the ORE. When I tried to load a new file into an existing project, I got a message that there was a duplicate. I deleted the previous release, but the problem remained. After that I deleted the whole repository, but it is impossible to create it again, because ORE thinks it exists.
The deleted project remained on the forum - LocaleAPI - Locale API for Sponge plugins
Please clear it from the forum so that I can re-post it correctly.
With other projects there is also the problem of not being able to download files.
The problem with uploading files is gone. However, I cannot recreate the deleted project yet.
When you delete a project its name is locked/soft deleted - you’ll need to wait for an administrator to permanently delete/unlock it.
@Semenkovsky_Ivan You should be able to upload it again now. I tried some downloads and they are working as expected. Please link me the specific versions which are failing to download.
The uploads started working last night. I don’t know what the error was related to. I was able to upload an update for another plugin yesterday. This morning I also noticed a fix for the download counters. Thank you very much for your help. I created the download page again for one of my plugins.
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