Unable to resolve

A few hours ago the spongeforge was updated. http://joxi.ru/D2PQ91nupZ9xMA
I decided to update
dependencies // gradle {
compile ‘org.spongepowered:spongeforge:1.12.1-2444-7.0.0-BETA-2560’
But it turned out so http://joxi.ru/a2XQ9MNu1ked5A
I put the old version - everything is fine. Where was I wrong? I have little experience with gradle.
Translated by Google.

I would not recommend depending on spongeforge directly. For most purposes you should be using spongeapi, but if you absolutely must depend on spongeforge for whatever reason, you can do this to fix that.

dependencies // gradle {
compile (‘org.spongepowered:spongeforge:1.12.1-2444-7.0.0-BETA-2560’) {
        exclude module: 'testplugins'

Thank you, it helped! Can you explain what it was? Your decision, how does it work?

Hey, sorry for the late response but here it is.
Sponge recently created a new module in their implementation including test plugins for testing changes. I’m not entirely certain on how that works, but gradle couldn’t find the testplugins module. This excludes the module from your dependencies so gradle doesn’t have to worry about it.