Hey guys, experiencing a few crashes on our SpongeForge server, which seem to happen at random intervals.
The first of the crashes, and the most common, is: this , which I’m guessing is a problem related to Pixelmon.
The second most common of the crashes, is: here
These usually cause the server to ‘lock up’, to the point where I am unable to use ctrl + c to kill the process, but instead have to force kill it with the kill command.
If anyone else experiences these crashes, have you figured out or found a method to remody them? Or is it simply one of those cases where it’s a known bug that will be eventually solved by the Pixelmon devs in a later update.
System specs:
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
RAM: 2GB (1.5GB allocated to Sponge server)
CPU: Intel Xeon
Mods installed:
SpongeForge 3.0.0-BETA-1000
Pixelmon 4.1.3
SpawnOfPsyduck 2.0.2
PixelExtras 1.0
ComputerCraft 1.76
BiomesO’Plenty 3.0.0
Bookshelf (required for NeoTech) 2.1.1
NeoTech 2.0.8
Plugins installed:
You’re like the fourth person to post about this.
Yes it’s pixelmon.
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If something breaks. Blame Pixelmon xD
if something breaks, blame @clienthax 
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It’s absolutely caused by Pixelmon for the first crash, it’s the move tutor which is associated of the crash. SO maybe a bad config of Pixelmon could generate this. Example with bad config with custom skins or others.
And the second too. Because the mod makes too much time to write or read into his bdd. So try something to improve writing or reading operation on your hard drive. Else, try to buy a SSD. 
Uhh my server runs off 4 ssd’s running raid and I still crash cause Pixel xD I don’t think there is an upgrade available to help it out right now
that’s in reference to the watchdog crash, and i believe that is completely wrong, we’ll see what happens after 4.1.4 comes out
Pixelmon 4.1.4 is out! and according to the changelogs, a few of the ConcurrentModificationException issues have been resolved. Will find out for sure shortly.
I updated but they removed Root Fossil so now FML is making me confirm some query that’s not moving forward in the process, not letting server start.
Yeah, I had to go through that too. Type ‘/fml confirm’ in console, and don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything. Just give it some time to do its thing, pretty much.
Yeah waited like 15 mins for it to start xD
Hmm… Perhaps you could try taking the world out of the server directory, load the world in singleplayer with Pixelmon 4.1.4 so it removes the root fossil instances, and then put the world back into your server directory?
Already fixed and good, thanks though. Seems stable soooo far
Haha xD Well at least it show’s legend spawns again