Universe Guard - An easy to use world protection plugin for Sponge

The problem with Pixelmon is that many items have the same ID, the only difference is the NBT Tags. For example each pixelmon has the same Id (pixelmon:pixelmon, IIRC). This of course can cause issues. If you have a specific case please detail it more on the Issues Tracker, attaching at least a Region file and all the details about the Pixelmon version and what you are trying to achieve (I don’t know really well every aspect of that mod)

Was this ever implemented? If not, I would like to second this addition. It’s a game killer for anyone using Serene Seasons right now.

Hi there I am using this plugin and so far I love it however I keep experiencing a fatal bug where part of the claimed region makes the player disappear when going inside. But as soon as I remove the region, relog, the bugged zone is fixed and no one disappears. Please fix this! Thanks

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed a conflict between pistons and destroy flag

Hi, when i activate the flag “place” the water don’t fall in the region. Is there any way to fix it?

Wait, so we need the * permission to use this plugin?
The * permission breaks a lot of things and makes it impossible to actually play many other plugins as a player instead of an “OP” which can break many set features that may need to be specific.

No, the plugin comes with two permisssions all and region that are related to the plugin itself. It means that you need to asssign the universeguard.all or universeguard.region permission to whoever you want, not just moderators

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed a conflict between the place/destroy flags and the liquids flags

Hello, I’d tried to disable bows in my spawn area. command /rg itemuse false minecraft:bow. But it ran with error:
[17:48:26] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: Error occurred while executing command ‘rg itemuse false minecraft:bow’ for source EntityPlayerMP[‘howe251’/506, l=‘world’, x=127.41, y=63.00, z=2392.14]: No value present
After this there is error log i can send it to direct messages

Also in new version of plugin water is not moving

The flowing issue is being worked, for the bow please report it to GitHub here and attach any log file if you have it

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed a conflict between pistons and place flag
  • Fixed some issues with pistons flag
  • Fixed a conflict between flag and liquids flags (thanks to Vulant and benllben for some hints about the fix)
  • Fluid pickup with a bucket is now handled by the corresponding fluid flag (for instance, picking water with a bucket is possible if the waterflow flag is true). Note that if the destroy flag is set to false, the water won’t be remove, but the bucket will be filled (leading to an infinite water source). Also, if the fluid flag is set to false, but the destroy flag is set to true, you won’t be able to remove the fluid by picking it up with a bucket
  • Fixed an issue where players riding an entity can enter a region with the enter flag set to false
  • Improved code for enter flag check (will be further improved in next release).
  • When attempting to enter a region with the enter flag set to false the player will be bounced back based on it’s velocity (this may change in future as right now there are certain situations where players can be pushed really high/far away). If attempting to enter on a mount (like a horse), the player will be dismounted and pushed back outside the region,
    however the entity will still go on. A player can’t mount an entity in a region where the enter flag is set to false, unless permitted, as it can’t mount an entity from a region with the exit flag set to false, unless permitted.
  • Merged back API7 repository into base repository, to avoid general confusion

Hello, I’d tried to disable bows in my spawn area. command /rg itemuse false minecraft:bow. But it ran with error
(17:48:26) (Server thread/ERROR) (Sponge): Error occurred while executing command ‘rg itemuse false minecraft:bow’ for source EntityPlayerMP[‘howe251’/506, l=‘world’, x=127.41, y=63.00, z=2392.14]: No value present
After this, there is long error log. I can send it in direct messages.

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Fixed some conflicts with the place/destroy flags and liquids flowing

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

Changes in this version

  • Updated API version to 7.3.0, meaning that the plugin is no longer supported for Minecraft 1.10 or in general for servers running a lower, old, version of Sponge. If you experience any issues please make sure you have the updated versions of Sponge running on your servers before submitting them to the Issue Tracker.
  • Mobs will no longer throw projectiles if they are in a region where the mobdamage flag is set to false
  • Flowing flags will now only control the flowing of fluids
  • The place flag will handle placing of fluids from buckets as well
  • The destroy flag will handle the picking up of fluids with buckets as well

Fixes in this version

  • Fixed an issue with crafting and inventory when the crafting table interaction was set to false
  • Fixed an issue with place flag preventing command blocks from placing blocks and potentially prevent plugins from placing/summoning armour stands
  • Fixed an issue with projectiles still doing damage when the mobdamage flag is set to false

Known issues

  • The place flag, if set to false, will still allow placing blocks from Forge Multipart CBE mod. Work for this issue has already started and will likely be patched in next version.
  • Console spam when placing/updating leaves from DynamicTreesBOP mod. This might be a Sponge implementation issue, as noted here. Updates on this will be posted on this open issue when they will be available

A new version has been released for Universe Guard, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed an issue where growing trees will bypass place flag in certain situations. Now when a tree, or anything that grows, goes from a region with the place flag set to true to another with the the place flag set to false, and the player who made it grow doesn’t have any permission, the tree/plant/structure… won’t actually grow.
  • Fixed an issue where the place flag ignores modded fluids, allowing them to be placed regardless of its value
  • Improved leaf detection, to make the leaf_decay flag further compatible with modded leaves
  • Changed the order for place and destroy event listeners. They are now set to be run first and before any modifications occurs. This should prevent some desync issues where, for instance, a block is being broken by a player that doesn’t have a permission to do that. On the player’s client the block is missing, while on the server the block is actually still there as intended

I’m new to this sponge thing and I have a quick question. This would be pointless, but hypothetically, if I were to develop my own plugin and create a command “/create property x y z x y z,” could that be linked to UniverseGuard and create an actual region programatically?


Hi! After creating the region I have problems using any Command.
/rg (it works)
/rg save (it works)
/rg expand up 100 (error: "you don’t have any pending region ! ")

After saving a region, this is no longer a “pending” region. This mean that you need to enter edit mode for that region using /rg edit (name). After this you can use the expand command and /rg save to save the change (or do all the changes you want before saving)