UniverseGuard - A WorldGuard Solution for Sponge

If your plugin just uses a permission node like others you won’t need to worry about what permissions plugin a server uses. They would just add the permission universeguard.whatever to their users/groups and thats it. Just an idea though.

Thanks for the tip. Due to other plugin issues with my modpack I have stepped back to just forge for now, but I will definitely remember this when I need it.

also universe guard has permission nodes :slight_smile:

how do i vert up and down?

If you mean how to expand the region, that function is in development and will released soon :wink:

Hi there,

Thank you for the plugin. I loved WorldGuard, so this is a great solution.
I’m wondering if there is anyway to tie into WorldEdit, to use the regions made with that plugin, especially since using WorldEdit CUI I am able to see the region visually.

If working with that plugin (like WorldGuard used to work with WorldEdit) is not possible, would it be possible to make region selections visible somehow?

Thank you for your time considering this request.

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Hi i got some problems with the worlds becouse the users can place chests but they cant open it and also mobs can attack them but users cant kill mobs this happend in the world not in a region

Just set the global flags, you find all commands at the top of this post or at this link with better instructions: Home · JimiIT92/UniverseGuard Wiki · GitHub

Yes, making selections visible is something i’m developing right now and i hope to got it working as soon as possible, as also some selections improvements such as the ability to expand the selected area like you’ll do in WorldEdit :wink:


so has the annoying crashes posted above by the users been fixed yet?

If you mean crashes from about months ago: yes, they have been fixed months ago xD

That would great! Thanks for working on it.
I’m loving your plugin! It’s exactly what I was looking for, just something simple and easy and not fancy.

Do you know Dynmap? There was a way for it to work with WG and it could show protected areas on the map it produced. The developer has started working with some Sponge plugins now, connecting to things like Nucleus (Dynmap-Nucleus). Just a thought, but I’d love to see you two work together to get UG regions showing up on Dynmap.

Thanks for the plugin!

That would be a HUGE step forward for my plugin, i’ve send a message to the Dynmap creator and i hope he will accept my invitation :slight_smile:

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I think you should put your plugin on github and include the description.

  • I can not report an error when you specify its name “universeguard”, I don’t know what the current version is using?


The project is on GitHub with it’s own bug tracker. I guess the post is not updated (fun fact: i can’t edit this post lol) Anyway you can find it here

I have a question. How to apply the flag to the entire map? Because the map is really huge, I can not mark 2 points.

You can us the global flags, wich are flags that works in all a specific dimension. For example, if your map is in the overworld than you can use the overworld global flags. You can check them in the universeguard/globals/.json file in your config folder or you can set them in game by using the /rg global command. More details on the wiki here https://github.com/JimiIT92/UniverseGuard/wiki

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Does this plugin supports ant-grief from mods like IC2 and ProjectE. I mean like Mining Lasers and so on… ?

Virtually the important flags of the old version have been lost. Can you update the “exit” flag, it is identical to the original WG version it does not allow players to try to escape outside the region.

There’s only like 5-6 flags. What about fire spread, leaf decay, and all those other essentials used for building?