Unofficial Sponge Categorized Plugin List

Hello everyone!

Since the Ore repository is yet to be finished, I figured I’d offer to start a categorized plugin list. If you would like your plugin categorized here;

First it must be in the plugin release forum. Second, please post a reply with the following information;


LISTING: (RQ / On List / Update RQ)



NOTE: If you have multiple plugins authored, please include them all on one post if possible!

With the LISTING info;
Please mark it as ‘RQ’ initially. I will know to add your plugin to the list this way.
Once I post it on the list, please change it to ‘On List’.
If you make an update after your plugin is on the list, please make a new thread reply with the new plugin info + ‘Update RQ’ for listing info.

The PLUGIN NAME info - the name for your plugin

The SPONGE LINK info is the hyperlink on the Sponge Forums where your plugin is listed. Any plugins NOT currently listed in the Sponge Plugin Release forum should not be listed.

With the MAIN CATEGORY info, there will be a list of categories posted to choose from based on the current Ore-Staging site categories - if you feel your plugin does not fit a main category listed, please feel free to suggest a new category type here: Categorized Plugin List - Thoughts?
Pending what the community thinks, a new category may be made.
However, in an effort to keep categories from becoming too specific and numerous, I can’t guarantee your category will be used unless the community agrees.

The TAGS info is something to help specify your plugin. For now, keep it to 5 tags separated by commas ie; (Seasons, Fast Monsters, Ice Magic, Fire Magic, Time Management).
For the current forum list, this might not be useful - however, they may be useful in the future.


I’ll attempt to make an update to this list at least once a week. Once Ore is released, I assume this thread will be deprecated quite quickly.

However, in the meantime, this may help people find plugins much easier for their servers until Ore is completed!

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