Categorized Plugin List - Thoughts?

Hello everyone,

While searching through the plugin section here on the Sponge forums, I noticed that we lack a categorized plugin list. Back when Bukkit was active, I found it convenient to browse the Curse plugin/mod repository for new plugins/mods based on category.

That being said - since the Ore repository is yet to be finished, I figured I’d offer to start a categorized plugin list in the meantime.

I have a general idea of what should be listed, what categories should be, etc.
However, I’m wondering what the community thinks about this.

Should a list be compiled prior to Ore’s release?

What information would you like to see included on the list?
(Plugin name, category, summary, etc)

Any other thoughts?


The ore-staging site already has some categories. I’d stick with them whenever possible.

Just to clarify Tzk, do you mean;

  • Stick to using the current Ore-staging site


  • If a forum based plugin list is to be made, utilize the current categories listed on the Ore-staging site


Ore isn’t ready for production yet and may get reset from time to time, losing all listed plugins.

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Sounds fair to me.

I like the design philosophy of using a minimal amount of categories for organization.
So unless there seems to be a need for a new category, I will stick to using the current Ore categories whenever possible.

Thanks for the feedback Tzk!

Does anyone else have something to add to the discussion?

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Actually I would like to eventually sort the plugin threads ore posts to the forums into sub-categories according to the category on Ore.


That’s great to hear Windy - for awhile it seemed like Ore was at a standstill and I wasn’t sure what to expect for that project’s future.
I was hoping to get something temporary up in an attempt to help the community, but now that you’re working on Ore I’m sure it will be best to focus any progress on a plugin list into that.

If you need any help, I’d be glad to assist - at least with the limited amount of coding experience and available time I have :smiley:

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Contributions are always appreciated! The source is at GitHub - SpongePowered/Ore: Repository software for Sponge plugins and Forge mods

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