[unsupported Guide] PEX quick command reference

pex user techangel parent add admin
Executed from the console

does the case-sensitive group admin exist and are is techangel online when you run the command?

Yes it does.
He has been both online and offline while trying to execute the command.

Oh, it seems like user is case sensitive. Sorry for the trouble!

I Just would like to know can the perms be edit via the .json file or dose it all have to be done via console/ in game ?
I have tried following the format letter for letter double checking everything but every time i reload with the edited .json file it wont load pex. I just don’t feel like doing a / command for every perm and every rank and all the options -_- I like to save time

Yes, you can edit the file manually. However most people seems to break the perms while doing so.
I highly suggest using a json validator (there are some available online) while editing the file manually.
But please note that editing manually doesn’t have any support at all, zml will only support editing via ingame commands.

Here’s a basic file (with ranks) to get you started:

hay yea I did it I found what I did wrong it was a very simple error I put a “,” in the wrong spot haha happens thx for the help those things help alot
“subjects”: {
“default”: {
“default”: [
“contexts”: {
“localip”: “”
“permissions-default”: 1
“contexts”: {
“world”: “PokeOxide”,
“gp_claim_defaults”: “ADMIN”
“permissions”: {
“griefprevention.claim.flag.exit-claim”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-block”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-drop”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-entity”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion-surface”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.fire-spread”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute-pvp”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-use”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-pickup”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-secondary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-primary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.pvp”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-to”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-inventory”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.portal-use”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-block”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-damage”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-place”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-entity”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-spawn”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-secondary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-from”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-primary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.liquid-flow”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.enter-claim”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-riding”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-break”: -1
“contexts”: {
“world”: “PokeOxide”,
“gp_claim_defaults”: “BASIC”
“permissions”: {
“griefprevention.claim.flag.exit-claim”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-block”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-drop”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-entity”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion-surface”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.fire-spread”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute-pvp”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-use”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-pickup”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-secondary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-primary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.pvp”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-to”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-inventory”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.portal-use”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-block”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-damage”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-place”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-entity”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-spawn”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-secondary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-from”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-primary”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.liquid-flow”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.enter-claim”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-riding”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-break”: -1
“contexts”: {
“world”: “PokeOxide”,
“gp_claim_defaults”: “WILDERNESS”
“permissions”: {
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-block”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-drop”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-entity”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion-surface”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.fire-spread”: -1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute-pvp”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-use”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.item-pickup”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-secondary”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-primary”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.pvp”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-to”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-inventory”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.portal-use”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-block”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-damage”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-place”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-entity”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-spawn”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-secondary”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-from”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-primary”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.liquid-flow”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-riding”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.flag.block-break”: 1
“user”: [
“parents”: [
“group”: {
“Pokeball”: [
“parents”: [
“Greatball”: [
“parents”: [
“Ultraball”: [
“parents”: [
“Masterball”: [
“parents”: [
“LuckyEgg”: [
“parents”: [
“Supporter”: [
“parents”: [
“Breeder”: [
“parents”: [
“H-Breeder”: [
“parents”: [
“Gym-Leader”: [
“parents”: [
“Gym-Recruter”: [
“parents”: [
“Helper”: [
“parents”: [
“Builder”: [
“parents”: [
“H-Builder”: [
“parents”: [
“T-Mod”: [
“parents”: [
“Mod”: [
“parents”: [
“H-Mod”: [
“parents”: [
“T-Admin”: [
“parents”: [
“Admin”: [
“parents”: [
“H-Admin”: [
“parents”: [
“Owner”: [
“parents”: [
“permissions-default”: 1
“Trainer”: [
“permissions”: {
“essentials.kit”: 1,
“essentials.balancetop”: 1,
“essentials.balance”: 1,
“essentials.kit”: 1,
“essentials.balance”: 1,
“essentials.balancetop”: 1,
“essentials.pay”: 1,
“essentials.help”: 1,
“essentials.mail”: 1,
“essentials.mail.send”: 1,
“essentials.msg”: 1,
“essentials.recipe”: 1,
“essentials.rules”: 1,
“essentials.seen”: 1,
“essentials.suicide”: 1,
“essentials.ping”: 1,
“essentials.spawn”: 1,
“essentials.back”: 1,
“essentials.back.ondeath”: 1,
“essentials.keepxp”: 1,
“essentials.delhome”: 1,
“essentials.home”: 1,
“essentials.home.bed”: 1,
“essentials.sethome”: 1,
“essentials.sethome.bed”: 1,
“essentials.tpa”: 1,
“essentials.tpaccept”: 1,
“essentials.tpdeny”: 1,
“essentials.warp”: 1,
“essentials.warp.list”: 1,
“essentials.build”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.balance”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.buy”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.disposal”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.enchant”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.free”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.gamemode”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.heal”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.info”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.kit”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.mail”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.protection”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.repair”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.sell”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.spawnmob”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.time”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.trade”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.warp”: 1,
“essentials.signs.use.weather”: 1,
“minecraft.command.help”: 1,
minecraft.command.me”: 1,
“minecraft.command.say”: 1,
“minecraft.command.tel”: 1,
“wondertrade.command.wondertrade”: 1,
“pixelextras.command.movelist”: 1,
“pixelextras.command.wiki”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.create”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.list-other”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.visualize-claims”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.abandon”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.abandon-all”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.abandon-top-level”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.list”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.info”: 1,
“griefprevention.claim.command.subdivide”: 1,
“spongychest.command”: 1,
“spongychest.setshop.command”: 1,
“spongychest.shop.create”: 1,
“spongychest.shop.destroy”: 1,
“essentials.tpahere”: 1,
“essentials.info”: 1,
“essentials.list”: 1<,>
“schema-version”: 4

why does t he command /pex user [username] perm *
not work?

I also looked in config for the line that stats op-false and there is nothing?

It won’t work because the * permission isn’t supported.
If you want a user to get all permissions, use pex user [username] default true.

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actually i did some more digging and found out that this command works for that if you have essentialscmd.jar\

/pex user [username] perm essentialscmd.* true
/pex group [groupname] perm essentialscmd.* true

Some plugins might support a * permission, but it’s not part of PEX 2.0.
In general if you want to grant a whole hierarchy of plugin commands you can just use the root permission

  • i.e. essentialcmds. This generally avoids the need for * to be supported.
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thank you now do u know the best way to set up like a promote tree kinda like group manager for bukkit. because i looked at the json file and its way more complicated?
I would like it to be set up to were and can just use the commands to promote user up a rank or down. So i can use buycraft.


promote to

Promote to


Promote to


Promote to


Promote to


It’s all in the OP:

If all you need is one ladder, default should suffice.

OK now how do u add more to it just use the same code and it will automatically put them in order and i enter them?

Usually you make the groups inherit each other. eg trainer is the child of guest. Note that the child has more rights than the parent.

Then you put both into the ladder, the one with the fewest perms first. So you’d start with the top most parent and child, then grandchild, then grandgrandchild etc.

That said, there is an awkward interaction between ladders and default groups at the moment, depending on your permissions structure it may or may not be an issue.


I was curious on how to import a YAML file into PEX-Sponge.

This is to avoid having to re-create all my permissions I have set up. Obviously this is from and older bukkit build, but was wondering if there was a way to do this.

i believe that zml has some kind of migration for taking the old .yml and converting it to the new formatted .json

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is there a way to have group/individual chat colour?

That’s up to a chat plugin, depending on what you mean exactly, Nucleus uses prefixes