UpTitle - UpTitle is a sponge plugin that displays a custom text on the top of the player screen!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, UpTitle. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Welcome to your new project!

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Sponge API


UpTitle is a sponge plugin that displays a custom text on the top of the player screen!
It is a system that can be found on many known servers but there was no plugin on sponge to do this.
It is also known as BossBar.


Download the jar file on Ore and put it in your /mods folder on your server.

For change the displayed text run the following commands :
/upt set <yourtext>
/upt reload

Then log out and log back into your server and you will see your text at the top of the screen :grin: !

You also can change the text in the /config/uptitle.conf file


  • Custom text
  • Multiples texts with custom durations (coming soon)
  • Custom colors (coming soon)

Please keep updating this plugin! It will be great for the entire Sponge community. At least that’s what I believe in.
Taking advantage of my feedback, I have some suggestions for you:

  • As the plugin involves “title” messages, it would be good for you not only to work with the bossbar, but with all the “title” tools that minecraft has. It will be great for you and for everyone.


This looks great! I can’t wait to add this to my server, to make this more popular you should make it a bossbar and a scoreboard all in one plugin!

Is this plugin still being updated?
Love the boss bar and would love to use it as an annoucebar with the custom timers.