I run a server, and I would love for my staff to be able to use the spectator gamemode to moderate players, being able to silently view chests’ contents, flying, what our higher staff circles have been calling ‘Possession’. It’s all very useful, but I cannot trust most of my staff with the option to also go into creative at will. Would it be possible for there to be a plugin that can be thrown together to basically alias this command, and have it through a separate permission node? Thanks in advance for any info you can give me!
So you just want the ability to go between spectator and survival? I’d suggest not using /vanish so you don’t conflict with the Vanish plugin, btw.
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Yes, that is exactly what I need. Then perhaps /spectate? or /spec?
/vanish is just what first came to mind
Well, in progress here because why not: GitHub - KittehOrg/Spectastic
Update: Done! Spectastic! [API 5.0.0]
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I had in mind!