VillagerShops - Set up Mobs of any type as admin shop. Shops will use a Inventory-Menu to buy/sell items

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

  • Fix Issues #35, #36, #57 (maybe #47)
  • Rework Shop Interface:
    • Buy and Sell are now merged into single slots
    • Shops now paginate, removing the item cap
    • Purchase quantities can be selected manually
    • As a result shop prices are now added per single item
  • Shop entries can now ignore damage or nbt

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

  • Added VersionChecker
  • Added translation downloader
  • Added option to remove items from the shop UI
  • Added actualy config to set default sell amount
  • New filter --nbt oredict to allow oredict items
  • Buy quantity is not full, half, quarter stack or single items
  • Fixed issues with entites that don’t support DisplayNames
  • Switched to gradle build system
  • This project is now jitpack compatible
  • Restructures project into sub-packages

is their a way to get rid of the iron nugget and bukkit off the vshop menus? I would like the quantity set by the admins

Never mind, its the translations confusing me

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

  • changed /vshop add flag -nbt to -filter
  • added /vshop add filter TYPE_ONLY
  • added smart click
  • added thousands separator to prices
  • fixed color codes in translations

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

  • Now registering Permissions (e.g. /lp tree can list them now)
  • Added audit logs
  • Loading the shops should now be more stable
  • Minor changes in translation files

how to create a store if I have the mod come back to life please help

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

This update splits the vshop.conf into per world configurations, allowing to skip loading shops in unloaded worlds. This should prevent shops from breaking on multi-world servers.

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed NBT on items in chests added by custom NPCs breaking shops
  • Added NBT blacklist for other mods that do weird stuff
  • Added plugin filter system to allow other plugins to control/get notified when items are traded (for example for crate keys)

I have a problem with villager shop. When I crate a sponge:human shop and restart the server, the npc duplicate

I do not have this issue. Please make a full error report, preferably on github including the following:
A log from your server as this occurs (latest.log or debug.log), your server version, your sponge version, a list of your plugins (and mods if applicable) and their version, the command you used to create the shop (skin, name, etc), along with the error description (if you open an issue on github or somewhere else, for me to more easily link the problem back). also incude any other information you deem important.

Nothing. I resolved, deleted the shop and ricreated My error on code

Hey i and some players on my server have an issue where when you click on the shop, nothing happens

tried to use the command /vshop create but i can’t put a skin for the human, i write too "/vshop sponge:human --skin DosMike name but didn’t work.

player names only work if the player is on the server. user the player uuid

Hello, i am having a slight issue with this plugin. My modpack has entities from mods such as ebwizardry that have creatures that attack as well as entities that are just abilities. is there a way to limit (white/blacklist?) specific entities so players can only use “safe” mobs for their shop? thanks in advance!

I think you contacted me on my discord, but to reiterate for everyone:
You can restrict access to entities through your permission plugin, where the entity id modid:entityid translates to a permission vshop.create.modid.entityid. never grant the permission vshop.create, as that allows all entities.
For more information on how permissions work this dev page might be interesting Permissions — Sponge 7.2.0 documentation

Can you rename the shops?

No, that’s currently not a feature

A new version has been released for VillagerShops, it is available for download here.

This version appears to have issues!

  • Cleaned up internals, changed bits around and broke API (probably)
  • Added force download option for translations
  • The stored locations in ShopEntities are now only fallback. Using the live location when possible should make shops even less locational
  • Added /vshop import to use existing mobs as shop. Maybe this helps with pixelmon trainers as shops?
  • Added /vshop release to delete a shop without removing the entity
  • Added pt.lang
  • Incorporated PR #78: making shops invulnerable (generally)
  • Incorporated PR #77: closing shop containers on disconnect
  • .resolve().orElse() for translations was replaced with .orLiteral()
  • Saving shops will now only consider worlds where shops have beed modified
  • Animated shops will now look at & track players within 5 block reach
  • Probably missed some stuff …

Please note that there are a few new translation lines