@Man_Of_Jupiter Yes, it’s safe. LGPL rules that you can do anything you want with this plugin and its source code unless you want to distribute the modified version. There are some restrictions about redistribution in LGPL, but LGPL doesn’t care how you use it yourself.
Is there a support thread or discord. I am having issues trying to have the chests ignore permissions.
Slot4 {
Item {
ItemType = “minecraft:diamond_helmet”
Count = 1
UnsafeDamage = 0
DisplayName = “&a&lTeleport to Faction Home”
ItemLore = [
“&e&lThis will teleport you to your faction’s home”
PrimaryAction {
Command = “f_home”
KeepOpen = false
IgnoredPermissions = [
I use SpongeForge 1.12.2, all menus are empty, even standard ones. There are no errors in the console. I apologize for my english, I used google translator.
@Semenkovsky_Ivan Make sure that you are using the latest version of SpongeForge.
VirtualChest required at least 1.12.2-2503-7.0.0-BETA-2709 of SpongeForge 1.12.2.