VirtualChest - Provide virtual chest GUIs for menus like ChestCommands (SpongeForge/SpongeVanilla 1.10.2, 1.11.2, and 1.12.2)

Adding cooldowns for something is beyond the scope of the plugin. Maybe you can find another plugin (such as cmdcontrol or something else) for setting command cooldowns.

Not work on latests Sponge build.

Hi, i am using BungeeCord with a setup of 3 servers. If i use the chat in game and type “/server skyblock” i get transfered to my skyblock server but if i use virtualChest with following setup it dosen’t work:
virtualchest {
TextTitle = “&l&4Lobby Menu”
Rows = 2
Slot0 {
Item {
Count = 1
ItemType = “skyresources:cactusfruitneedle”
UnsafeDamage = 0
DisplayName = “&lSkyblock Server”
ItemLore = [
“&eTeleport to %player_name%'s Skyblock Island”
PrimaryAction {
Command = “server skyblock”
KeepInventoryOpen = true
TriggerItem {
ItemType = “minecraft:compass”
EnablePrimaryAction = false

I get the message in the command window from the server
"[Server thread/INFO][nucleus]: DropBearGamer ran the command: /server skyblock
and ingame the chat tells me
“Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands”
and i dont get transfered.
Any help on this?

@DropBearGamer Well, I consider that maybe /server is a BungeeCord command so the Sponge server could not dispatch the command normally. But you can try to use the connect prefix for connecting to another BungeeCord server.

How can I specify the spawn egg of a particular mob?
And could you make it possible to check the presence of an item in the player’s inventory, if it is present, then it must be deleted during the transaction. For players it is very inconvenient to constantly drag an item into the trading menu.

@zzzz you so made my day, i was banging my head against a wall yesterday for hrs to get this working with no luck at all, I use know Command: “Connect: skyblock” and it works. Thank you so much, have to by you a bear :smiley: .

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If you specify this in the config, the player will be able to sell the items even if he does not have them.

PrimaryAction {
  Command = "cost-item: 1; cost: -0.2; tell: &6Вы продали &7[&bСемена пшеницы&7]&6 х1;"
  HandheldItem {
	SearchInventory = true
    ItemType = "minecraft:wheat_seeds"
    Count = 1
    UnsafeDamage = 0
  KeepInventoryOpen = true
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@Semenkovsky_Ivan Could you please provide a GIF or something to display the issue?

I recorded the video.

@Semenkovsky_Ivan I got the reason. VC has identified the wheat seeds in the menu and wants to deduct the item in it. I am now trying to fix it.

@Semenkovsky_Ivan Fixed in v1.0.0-beta-4


Slot9 {
Item {
ItemType = “pixelmon:pixelmon_sprite”
Count = 1
UnsafeDamage = 0
UnsafeData {
SpriteName = “pixelmon:sprites/pokemon/246”
DisplayName = “&6Larvitar”
ItemLore = [
“&bShiny Pokemon Allowance: &41 shiny remaining!”
“&bClick to equip!”
PrimaryAction {
Command = “console: pokegive %player_name% larvitar s lvl5”
KeepInventoryOpen = true
TriggerItem {
ItemType = “minecraft:compass”
EnablePrimaryAction = false
EnableSecondaryAction = false

It does not run any command when I try

Will there be updated documentation for the plugin soon?
I can not open the menu for a specific player through a command in another menu on behalf of the console. Also I can not check the player’s balance.

Two new features named SearchInventory and RepetitionUpperLimit have been added to VirtualChest, and both of them have their corresponding descriptions in the wiki.

Is there any incompatibility issues found after you upgrade VirtualChest to v1.0.0-beta-5?

Yes. Checking the balance of the player does not work correctly. Even if the player has money, then with a probability of about 50%, he can not buy the item, because he failed to check the balance.

@Semenkovsky_Ivan Fixed in v1.0.0-beta-6 (maybe).

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Thank you. Everything works fine.

Yes I was just wondering if there was a way to have the requirements set up as an item

so it would look something like this

Slot11 {
Item {
Count = 1
ItemType = “modcurrency:banknote”
UnsafeDamage = 3
DisplayName = “&aDeposit”
ItemLore = [
“&eClick here to deposit $20 into your account”
Requirments: %item_type% = modcurrency:banknote:3
PrimaryAction {
Command = “”“console: clear %player_name% modcurrency:banknote 3 1; console: adminpay %player_name% 20 :”""
KeepInventoryOpen = true
SecondaryAction = ${?PrimaryAction}
IgnoredPermissions = [

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It would be nice to create a menu and place items in it in the game itself. It is possible without additional settings. It is not very convenient to manually place items in the menu using such a cumbersome config.


Hello, any possibility of creating a menu where I can sell items for other items? For example 1 diamond block per 1 gold, I tried with the format sent up but it did not work, any way to do this in the new version?