Warden: The Plan


This math wasn’t done by me. It was done by the man who invented Erlang, and a past physicist. The math holds still if an atom counts.


AE stores blocks in electronic data, basically, it’s what you said, I was mentioning a mod

Ah I see. I knew about AE2 but didn’t make the connection. My bad ^^

Nice stuff and well-written explanations. I like that. Formatting would improve some things. A very good read. Good luck with the plugin. :smile:

Yea sorry just kinda copy pastad from the blog post :stuck_out_tongue:. Anyway thanks :smile:

By the way I setup a gitter which you can find here. If you wanna chat me up, or recommend, etc.

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This seems quite promising. I will have to keep an eye on this.

You’re right. You can’t save a model of the universe in 21 bytes. I think what OP is pointing out is that given how large the physical universe, the number used to count the number of atoms still only consumes 21 bytes. And if you were to use all 2 billion bytrs of space you would be able to count that many more universes of atoms. I personslly think thst number is still wrong given my looser interpretation but I suspect English is not the OP’s first language and something was lost in translation rather than any genuine malice to mislead.

Hopefully, everyone will also realize how big the number of permutations can grow. For instance, we routinely use numbers that can require 2 thousand bytes to store while browsing the internet and these should still be considered small numbers.

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Thank you. Exactly this is what the point was being made by myself.

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Ahh Lord of the Lambada saves the world again! Thanks for your commitment and I will 100% use and recommend this plugin to every server I see!

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Hahaha thanks for the belief orc.

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Very interesting. I’m glad someone is attempting to make this a more common topic as before it was more rare to see discussions on the actual nitty-gritties of exploits/cheats/hacks/bugs.

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Exactly. That’s one of the problems I want to bring forward, and am trying to comment every check on how it performs, the check, and why it patches. And also the full explanation of the hack if it isn’t readily apparent.

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I’m ecstatic to hear that! I’ll keep an eye on it and I’m sure it’ll be an eye opener :smile:

actually such a good quote right there… This is a very smart idea

The best way to defeat killaura’s that I have seen is to spawn players around the player, preferrably behind them, or above them, and move the players every tick then remove them.

If the player manages to hit a high percentage of the obviously fake players flying around their head, instead of their target/victim it’s clearly a FF / kill aura.

You can also step it up in increments. Invisible mobs, mobs like silverfish, invisible players, visible players.

By rotating through these, and stepping up the more “luck” the player has the more likely you are to catch a cheater.

The reason why you step up at all, is so you don’t bother the real players unless they get incredibly “lucky” with their swings.


The problem with that method. Specifically why I won’t be doing it is how easy it is to bypass. Even though most clients do not do it, it is little of no problem to. Here is some examples:

  • Don’t hit players that aren’t on the ground.
  • Don’t hit players that have only been in the world for a certain time (teleporting resets this timer so even if you have them “waiting” this method will still work)
  • Most of these plugins don’t add these entities to the player name list. So if they aren’t in the player name list don’t hit them.
  • These entities obviously have to have “fake” names. Most of these just give them a name like “AntiFF-22” or something. Obviously this player will not have a UUID registered by mojang. Check if UUID is registered, don’t hit if isn’t.
  • Invisible mobs? Don’t hit invisible entities.
  • Invisible Players? Don’t hit 'em unless told to.

There are tons of ways these can get bypassed, and so while it might work for a little bit it will not get you any sustained way of detecting kill auras. It will then just cause false positives, and I want as little false positives as possible. So why, Yes right now it is the “best way that’s been released” (since we haven’t released ours), as soon as the client making community actually makes even a slight effort to bypass this they can accomplish it without a problem.

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It’s still better then nothing and I disagree with the level of false positives.

I await to see your better unreleased method that works.

For the thing regarding kill aura, I’m not 100% sure about this but do players generally change the direction they face instantly with it on? If that’s the case, why not just check the players rotation for any impossibly quick movement?

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@ryantheleach Why work on something that is so easily bypassed, instead why not work on a better detection method that’s already shown a lot of promise, and little to no false positives?

@BitByte That’s one of the detection methods we’re planning on implementing thats specifically targeted to impossible mouse movements. It will be under a slightly different check called “MOUSEPOSSIBLE”. Which checks for that as well as a few other things, that mouses are incapable of doing (been reading a lot of techincal documentation for that).