Are you developing a Sponge plugin or a tool/library related to plugin development? Show me
My Projects:
- A plugin workspace setup wizard: GitHub - spbp/boilerplate-setup: Modular template customizer powered by Gradle. Work in progress! (I have to push the latest changes…)
- My example mail plugin: GitHub - boformer/SimpleMail: Simple Sponge Mail Plugin for educational use (Soon I will create an advanced version for production servers)
- Plot protection plugin: GitHub - boformer/Proto: Plot and World Protection Plugin for Sponge Minecraft Servers
Several private plugins for a server I’m developing, and a Warps plugin:
Sorry for the unformatted link - I’m on my phone right now
I am working on these projects:
- NonAdver: Smart advertisement blocker GitHub - thomas15v/NoAdver: Automated advertisement blocking for minecraft servers.
- PacketLib: Packet Modification library (still needs some more polish): GitHub - thomas15v/PacketLib
- I am also working on a ajax plugin. So webdesigners can get information from the server. But not sure if I will continue it.
Working on a complete rewrite of TheDotPack. I’ll upload it to github when it has a fair amount done.
Several Forge mods for 1.7.10 as well as a private mod pack.
I haven’t been working on code lately (mainly because I’ve been waiting for sponge to be near complete) However I have been working on music if that counts.
The best 1.7.10 pack ever TM
Preparing our server to move from 1.7.10 to 1.8.4 and waiting for one of our key plugins to update…
Working on:
[API] AccountApi - A simple Api used to collect player information
Cryogen is pretty much my top priority other than that.
Working on a simple Java game library:
Several private server plugins, and ModScript, which is a remake of ModDamage written in scala.
I plan on dropping support for ModDamage once it is made, however due to little time I have been getting to work on projects. It may be a little while.
I’ve been prototyping a new game concept:
Maybe prototyping isn’t the best word, I literally just started this yesterday. Also, details won’t be released quite yet (I often drop projects shortly after working on them :/).
Using LibGDX?
A distributed cron service written in Erlang. And exams
Yep. Simplifies using graphics (I can never seem to get those to work otherwise) and such.
Some Screenshots of my plugin workspace wizard:
This looks very nice.
Nothing MC related other than Sponge.
This one is mostly complete.
This one I just recently started.