What browsers does everyone use?

It’s a miracle because no one uses it…

Good point with the firefox issues… Might switch to Opera as my backup… Never used it before thought… ill check it out later! :slight_smile:

The main issue I find with Chrome/Chromium is the infexibility with the UI. Luakit works quite well for a webkit-based browser, but last I checked webkit was still lacking the hooks to do a more refined noscript or requestpolicy-like system. However I am considering looking at httpswitchboard to see if I can adapt it for Luakit.

Then again, I don’t really notice any particular issues with Firefox either so short of wanting another project I have little reason to consider a change.

Chrome for all my normal business. At work we are forced to use IE and Firefox.

FF all the way. I used to be a chrome user.

Then why did you ever change?

I use Chrome, but sometimes it likes to mess with me, and therefore I have to spend 3 days (3 minute) of pure torture in Internet Explorer.


I use Opera and I can’t even remember why.

And that’s one epic necropost.

That’s pretty great…

Microsoft Edge :slight_smile:

Firefox Developer Edition

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I use Microsoft Edge.
Although it has a few of its own bugs, which often go unnoticed, it’s got a very clean GUI.