Where is everyone?

Is everyone watching Cricket or why isn’t anything happening here? :confused:

I can assure you there’s plenty going on in the world of Sponge. There has been a lot of activity on the Github repos, and I get about 20 email notifications a day from various issues/PRs/commits.
The IRC channels #sponge #spongedev and #spongedocs are always talking


It’s still a project developed by volunteers…
Oh, and what simon said!

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I realize that you are all vigorously hitting those keyboards churning out methods, classes, docs, etc… I just thought it to be unusually quiet in the forum …

A good chunk of the used-to-be very active forumers (including me) are putting a lot of their time into server startups running on Sponge.


i see new posts every day.

I can’t follow anymore… . It’s simply going to fast for me.

But to anwer your question: 50°48’03,108"N 003°13’22,860"E.

did i miss the irony or are you serious?
If serious:
What exactly dou you want to know/what do you need to know to be up to date again?

Just noticed i’m living around 300km east of you.

I’m here



one day without new posts from project leaders. This project is now officialy dead. lets abandon this forum.


Good Morning Mr. Baxter, Sir.

Your post is somewhat unclear. Kindly indicate, therefore, which definition of “wave” you are referring to. Is it

  1. move one’s hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
  2. move to and fro with a swaying motion while remaining fixed to one point due to e.g. being drunk
  3. a sudden occurrence of or an increase in a specified phenomenon, e.g. the Sponge Wave
  4. a periodic disturbance of the particles of a substance which may be propagated without net movement of the particles, as in passing of undulating motion or sound, i.e. the ability to occasionally activate one’s brain cells more or less successfully

Your urgent reply will be very much appreciated


He is a cat, so 2.

Mr. Necrodoom,

the question I posed to Mr. Baxter is of utmost importance.

And, as the development of Sponge as a whole or part thereof is a very serious matter indeed and is fundamentally critical to the development of mankind, fooling around in the Forum cannot be tolerated under any circumstances!

Im not sure what you expect cats to do that isnt fooling around.

Some 4000 years ago cats were already highly esteemed companions of the ancient Egyptians and as such were elevated to Gods in recognition of their grace and high IQ. To suggest, therefore, that a cat was drunk is utterly absurd.

Furthermore, cats are well known for their ingenuity to get what they want. The term “fat cat” emerged from this cunning ability, which many politicians and FIFA bosses have emulated with much success and with particular emphasis on financial matters.

As such, cats could, for example, indulge in Philosophy and answer fundamental questions of great importance to man, such as “Why does the phone always ring when I’m in the bathroom?”. Is it because

a) Angela Merkel is trying to phone Francois Hollande but she dialled the wrong number

b) Alexis Tsipras is trying to phone Angela Merkel. Since she is talking to Francois Hollande, Tsipras then tries to phone the IMF but dials the wrong number

c) Big Brother is watching and simply wants to annoy me

d) People generally phone to talk crap

As you can see, the possibilities are endless, and I for one encourage all cats to develop to their full potential.


Cats like sitting on warm things. Like keyboards. Or heaters. …Or if you’re my friend’s cat last night… the entire pizza…


I am more of a dog person. However, in defence of the cat I should mention that cats prefer to savour delicacies such as e. g. lobster bisque, crayfish tails, filet mignon or tuna salad followed by an exquisite dessert. Here crême bruleé and mousse au chocolat come to mind immediately.

And, with all due respect, I fear that a cat that has to resort to eating a pizza has probably been grossly neglected, suffers from malnutrition and is close to starving :sob:

Oh, he didn’t eat any of the pizza. Au contraire, mon ami, He literally waited for us to open the box, and then sat on it, after eating his own tuna dinner. >_> Cats are dickbags.

Mon Dieu! :worried: .That, inter alia, is the sort of a cat’s behaviour that cannot be condoned. This is also one of the reasons why I am more of a dog person. :smile:

awe kittys!

I own 1 cat :slight_smile: its the start of my crazy cat lady collection :wink: