Where's "Regular"?

<gratimax> Discourse doesn't have finer-grained permissions unfortunately :(
<gratimax> the badge is determined by the user's trust level, and the trust level permissions cannot be changed

Discourse is still beta-software. Unfortunately, we cannot create ranks which are granted automatically based on activity, as Regular was.

An alternative would be creating a group which we manually put users over into if they match the requirements, but the upkeep (both adding and removing members) would be asinine.

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urgh. :confused:

Time to poke some people at discourse. Thanks for the answer ferus and gratimax too!
I thought discourse is a customizable piece of software…
At least ranks etc… :frowning:

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I’m sure they’re aware, and are working on it, still.

Not sure that’s true https://meta.discourse.org/t/changing-group-permissions/19546/2

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I was really surprised when I got regular, and annoyed when it got taken away from me almost immediatley. I more enjoyed the recognision of being active than the power of recategorizing topics. Honestly I just wanted to be recognized as a part of the community rather than being granted quazi-mod powers for doing so. I just wish there was a way, but the discourse devs decide everything apparently.


Don’t plugins allow changes to discourse? I agree with everyone above, I’m more upset the recognition of spending time of the forums is gone, rather than the powers that came with it. (I rarely used it anyhow, well besides the extra likes)