Why am I getting an error for this?

Hi, throughout this entire block, I am getting a massive error, but eclipse is illegible as to what the error is.

	CommandSpec myCommandSpec = CommandSpec.builder()
		    .arguments (
		    .executor(new Command() );

		game.getCommandManager().register(this, myCommandSpec, "command", "run", "c");

Thanks for the help. I honestly have no idea at this point.

There is a semicolon after .executor()

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Ok, thanks. Where after .executor( )?

I’d assume that’s the only issue, but you haven’t given us the error (and I’m on mobile).
Edit: You edited before I could post :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Right at the end of .executor(new Command() );

I’m getting a type mismatch for the first line,
syntax error for the second line,
syntax error for .build line
and unresolved variable for last line

Hmmm, I am getting this error which seems to be causing the problem:

Code: CommandSpec Main = CommandSpec.builder()

Error message: Type mismatch: cannot convert from CommandSpec.Builder to CommandSpec.

Any ideas?

Back home now, this code works for me:

CommandSpec myCommandSpec = CommandSpec.builder()
                .arguments (
                .executor(new Command())

Make sure that you are building your CommandSpec.Builder using build().

Ok, thanks. That works for me as well…

Um, my next issue is, I have a separate class for executing the command, however none of the variables defined in the main class are being transferred into the executor class. Any ideas?

I get the error, [variable] cannot be resolved into a variable.

You’d have to either public statically declare your variables or pass them through the Command() constructor.

.arguments(new Command(myVariable, myOtherVariable))


public Command(String someString, int someInt) {
    // Store these variables class-locally

I’d recommend learning more about Java before digging into plugin development. Then you likely wouldn’t be running into these issues while developing. :wink:

Edit: Or of course publicly declare the variables and pass the main public object. Then it’s just a matter of making use of myPluginObject.myVariable.

Sorry, I think I have worded this wrong. I mean the variables that represent the arguments of a command.
I have declared:


However, when I go to use these in the executing class, they do not register. I was wondering how you declare them so they have a value that is set in a different class.

Ah, okay. The argument parsing page on the SpongeDocs has a quick rundown of this, but the code would essentially look like this:

public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
    int itemId = args.<Integer>getOne("itemid").get();
    return CommandResult.success();

The CommandContext object will store the arguments for the command. From there, it is a matter of calling getOne(String) to retrieve the argument. Unless your argument is optional, it is safe to directly call .get(), and the <Integer> is there to avoid unnecessary casting to int.

Ok, thanks dude. That should be it. 10/10 review.