Why command parameter show 2 line?

This is my Command Builder

public static final Parameter.Value<Integer> LINE = Parameter.integerNumber().optional().key("Line").build();

public static final Parameter.Value<String> MESSAGE = Parameter.remainingJoinedStrings().optional().key("Message").build();

Command.builder().addParameters(LINE, MESSAGE)


Why It shows 2 line ? I just want it show only 1 line.

How can I make the command with show parameter only 1 line ?

Please help me.

I believe this is to do with the 1.13 command system. I don’t believe there is a native optional node, so when you specify optional if creates the command with and without that parameter.

If you want it to display just the one, you would need to use the Raw command system (which doesnt use minecrafts new command system)

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