Windows 8.1/7 to 10 upgrade is 100% Free!

100 Gigs is way more than enough for the system and essential programs. I have a laptop at home with 200 Gigs and I’m running Windows on it just fine. With all updates.


o.o i have a 2 tb drive and almost filled that up

Oke back ontopic than. I have a windows 7 key. Do I need to install windows 7 first in order to get windows 10?

Probably since you upgrade off of the operating system.

Very helpfully. I don’t need to wear my glasses anymore :smiley:.
Insert Install drivers message here

When I can next be bothered to re-try windows 7 and arch, I’ll probably do this.

when & if I get my hard drive fixed, and no longer am running flash drive linux mint, I’d definitely want to try this out( though I may be to addicted to windows to stay with it).

Is that the tech preview?

Pro insider or something like that.
Dangit I dislike that notification sound … .

Are you sure? For Windows 8 you could buy the addon - I dug up the receipt to be sure :stuck_out_tongue:

I know, I got the Addon for Windows 8 (but switched back to Windows 7 after my MBR was corrupted). For windows 10, they announced that there would be no media center.

Oh shit… IIRC VLC has most of media centers capabilities anyhows.

This news makes me want to get out my handy dandy chart maker to make pictures so everyone can see how awesome this news is!

(if u cant see os x is the 3rd one)


The fact that OSX is 0 percent free bugs me. The fact that I have to buy a freaking mac just for OSX which would be just for xcode which would be just for IOS apps

APPLE IS SUCH MONEY GRABS. $200 for the cheapest mac possible, plus 100 dollar a month dev fee
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

So I will stick with developing andriod apps
android is so much better


Its 100 per year, not month :wink:

If you don’t mind web then just use Cordovana or Phone gap


Please elaborate. I am a newb

so if I understand, apps using JavaScript and web stuff? Do you need to be connected to run the app at all? How would you still publish to IOS store? Also, I suck at web design

You can develop Objective-C on windows aswell, pretty sure.

For the SDK take a look at this:

Yeah, You can also publish to Android and Windows Phone

You don’t have to be online, it compiles to an apk/whatever