Wondertrade Problems

Everytime someone does /wondertrade(or /wt) <enter slot 1-6 here> confirm

It says this error, and they DO have permission to use wondertrade, luckly their pokemon stays in the roster, its just the error showing up and nothing else in console.

Error occurred while executing command: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.events.pixelmondeletedevent.(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/entityplayerMP;Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V

This is not the right place to askā€¦

then where do i ask? even though it would be faster to answer so the problem would easly be resolved and then you could have simply told me "next time, post this sort of problem at

the Pixelmon forums, since this is an issue with the side-mod WonderTrade itself