WorldEdit Schematics Questions

Hi guys!

First off, please excuse me if this is in the wrong forum, if it is, please let me know and I’ll be happy to move it. :slight_smile:

So I have a pretty simple question: I installed WorldEdit on my SpongeForge server, and everything works great. My question is, how do I import schematics? With a normal Bukkit server. normally a schematic folder is generated in the plugins folder. However with Sponge, I can’t find a schematics folder anywhere. Is it just not possible with Sponge?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! :slight_smile:

– Samuel Johnson (Vigilius)

it also generates a schematics folder in the world edit folder, I’d considering using world edit forge not world edit sponge though.

If there isn’t already a worldedit/schematics folder, you can create one and just drop things in there. It should also create one the first time you make and save a schematic in-game. In addition, I’d recommend the Sponge version over the Forge one, purely in terms of better co-operation with the API. YMMV.


Didn’t know I could just make the folder myself. Thanks again for the reply!