WorldGuard substitute?

Hello all you lovely people! I am looking for a substitute that is NOT FoxGuard. I tried FG and it is too hard to control. Although I tried GP as well but no one can use the equipment at spawn if I claim it. So, if anyone can suggest a good plugin for me to use for regioning, please post here ASAP.

Maybe that’s a wrong setting in GP or something that could be added to the plugin. Ask the dev.

Well I would need to add container trust, not sure if I can do it for the whole server

I saw these too but didn’t try :

PlotSquared (requires worldedit) [Release] PlotSquared - Grief Protection | Multi-World Management | World Generators | Survival + Creative

RedProtect 🛡 [Anti-Grief|General Protection] RedProtect Universal (All APIs Compatible)

Hope it helps.

I will try these first thing tomorrow, thanks for the amazing suggestions.

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