Wtfb - Made for bored builders on Darwin Reforged

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, wtfb. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Have you ever run out of ideas what you should build next? Well no more!

This plugin randomly mix dictionaries of architectural styles and things which you then can build ingame.

The plugin made for the server


Command Permission Action
/wtfb reload wtfb.reload Reloads the plugin configuration from the things.conf file
/wtfb inspire wtfb.inspire Sends a randomly selected image from dictionaries to the player
/ihaveliterallynoideawhatthefuckshouldibuildnext wtfb.suggest Suggests what to build and optionally its style

The third command has also boring shortcut /wtfb suggest


During the first startup in the plugin config dir file things.conf will be generated.
This file contains a small dictionaries, which you should extend.

//root node
    //category object
     name=Category name
     template { .... Parametrized message, which is displayed to a player after /wtfb suggest command
     themes= List of themes for the category
     things= List of things to build for the category
     urls= List of links which are randomly selected after /wtfb inspire command
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