balance/money - Displays your balance
balance/money <player> - Displays <player> 's balance
pay <player> <amount> - Pay <player> <amount>
balancetop - Displays TOP10
xconomy help - View help
OP Command
balance/money give <player> <amount> - give <player> <amount>
balance/money take <player> <amount> - take <amount> from <player>
balance/money set <player> <amount> - set <player> 's balance to <amount>
balance/money give * <all/online> <amount> <reason> - give <all/online player> <amount>
balance/money take * <all/online> <amount> <reason> - take <amount> from <all/online player>
balancetop hide/display <player> - Hide or display a <player> 's data from TOP10
xconomy reload - reload message.yml
xconomy.user.balance - Allows player to look up the balance of yourself and others
xconomy.user.balance.other - Allows player to look up the balance of others - Allow player transfers to others - Allow player receive from others
xconomy.user.balancetop - Allows player to view TOP10 ranking
xconomy.admin.give - Allows player to give player balance
xconomy.admin.take - Allow player to take player balance
xconomy.admin.set - Allow player to set player balance
xconomy.admin.balancetop - Allow player to hide or display a 's data from TOP10
xconomy.op - all permission of xconomy
Install this plugin on the sub-servers and BungeCord.
Then enable BungeeCord mode in the configuration file. (There is no configuration file on the BungeeCord side)
A new version has been released for XConomy, it is available for download here.
This version does not support BungeeCord data synchronization with previous versions XConomy.
This version require to regenerate all configuration files
Add Redis Channel Support (This version can sync data without BungeeCord)