Xodus - Bleeding Edge Test Server

Updated the modpack info for technic. Please see the OP for the info!

@Joe_Schmo2840 trying to install the Technic Modpack and getting this error:

Error downloading a file for the following pack: Xodus
Failed to download http://xodus.us.to/dl/
Please consult the modpack author.


Seems like Technic is taking a while to update the url to the modpack. Delete the pack then search and reinstall it.

Edit: I just tried and it is fixed now. Sorry for the downtime

OoOoOooo shiny new banners! Hopefuly not too shiny tho.


Hey joe, was wondering what build of sponge you use on the test server, Whatever you are doing makes it impossible to use /sponge version and get a meaningful number.

iirc he updated to a self compiled spongevanilla build a few days ago. /Sponge may still be unimplemented in vanilla.

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Yes as tzk stated I use the SpongeVanilla tool to compile it myself. It waa last update about 4 daya ago

Ok, then the problem is it isn’t running the same versioning scripts that a CI build would… I wonder how we can fix that, having git hashes in /sponge version would be extremely handy for tracking down bugs.

Updated the op, removed 2 plugins and added 1. Added in almost 10 mods on the forge server.

Closing this topic as this server is dead. Thread for the new server:


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