You get a changelog. You get a changelog! EVERYONE GETS A CHANGELOG!

Our web magicians have devised a way to get proper change logs in all of the proper repository download sites: SpongeForge | SpongeVanilla | SpongeAPI

What is unique is that with each implementation build, it will not only include the commit link:

But it will include any submodule changes as well!

On top of this is that now, the API includes the shaded jars for those requiring a dependency-resolving tool in their workflow:

So now, whenever you download a jar, you’ll be able to tell the difference since the last build and of course, become more informed as to when certain changes have been pushed from API to the implementations!


@FerusGrim smothers the OP in likes.


Like the title!


Introducing: Ophrazou.


shutters with joy

All set to go for the Docs too, Mention Changelog on DL Page by Inscrutable · Pull Request #330 · SpongePowered/SpongeDocs · GitHub. It just needs a quick review and maybe some polishing.

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Yes, finally. It’s time to thank @lukegb for this, right?
*hugs @lukegb <3

Small issue i found on mobile:
When viewing it with chrome on android the gray and white background divs don’t seem to scale correctly when in portrait mode (720px wide). However when turning the display by 90° to landscape (1280px wide) everything seems fine. Maybe an issue with lower resolutions? Switching to desktop mode didn’t solve the issue either :wink:

Another issue i noticed:
The API jar naming seems to be broken. Last 3 build were #1, #2 and #3 while the build before #1 was #20? WTF?


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Some sort of release date would be awesome to new plebs watching this.
So they got those “Ahh - They are hardly working on this” effect :smile:


Just click on a random commit which was added to the build and you’ll see the date of merge. :wink:

Oh! Thanks, mate!

Why sdk-zip and release?

sdk-zip is a workspace for developing plugins.


Now we need one for IntelliJ! :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you mean?

He means a version of sdk-zip for IntelliJ.

All he needs to do is import the project with gradle in IntelliJ.

You can import Eclipse projects as modules in IntelliJ :smile:

How can we get this on the files.forge site? Or get it rehosted on sponge?

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