Your first coding projects!

My first program hum, I think it was a Ruby script 10 years ago designed to slow down as much as it could a computer. Why, I have no idea :yum:

Why is my computer humming so much?!

Sounds like someone was trying to make a virusā€¦ :trollface:

Iā€™m pretty sure my first was something on Codecademy. I think it actually made sense.

I remember my first coding project so much that I can type it here and now

#include <stdio.h>
    printf("Hello, World\n");

I found this in the dark recesses of an abandoned cavern. Basically my first real program lol

def main():
	print("The Following Program Converts Numbers To Scientific Notation With Three Signifigant Figures, And Can Also Convert Scientific Notation Into Standard Notation.")
	nos = input("Do You Want To Know The Scientific Notation Form Of A Number Or Would You Like To Know The Regular Form? Please Type: \"science\" If You Would Like to Know the Scientific Notation And: \"standard\" If You Would like The Regular Form: ")
	if (nos == "science"):
		print ()
		standard_input = input("Please Enter A Number, Greater Than Or Equal To One, That You Would Like To Convert Into Scientific Notation: ")
		length = len(standard_input)
		if (standard_input.isalpha() == False and len(standard_input) > 0):
				if (standard_input.isdigit() == True or False):
					evalstandard_input = eval(standard_input)
                                            ########## IF INT THEN DO THIS ##########
					print ()
					if (evalstandard_input > 0 and evalstandard_input < 10):
						print (standard_input + ".00 " + "X 10 " + "^ 0")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 9 and evalstandard_input < 100):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + "0 " + "X 10 " + "^ 1")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 99 and evalstandard_input < 1000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 2")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 999 and evalstandard_input < 10000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ 3")
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 3")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 9999 and evalstandard_input < 100000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ 4")
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 4")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 99999):
						sciencelengthhigh = len(standard_input) - 1
						for i in range(0, sciencelengthhigh):
							firststandard = standard_input[0]
							secondstandard = standard_input[1]
							thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
							forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ " + str(sciencelengthhigh))
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ " + str(sciencelengthhigh))
		if (standard_input.isalpha() == False and len(standard_input) > 0):
			if (standard_input.isdigit() == False):
				evalstandard_input = eval(standard_input)
                                    ########## IF FLOAT THEN DO THIS ##########
				print ()
				if (evalstandard_input >= 1 and evalstandard_input < 10):
					print (standard_input + " X 10 " + "^ 0")
				elif (evalstandard_input >= 10 and evalstandard_input < 100):
					n = []
					n = standard_input.split(".")
					firstsplit = n[0]
					secondsplit = n[1]
					firststandard = firstsplit[0]
					secondstandard = firstsplit[1] + secondsplit
					print(firststandard + "." + secondstandard + " X 10 ^ 1")
				elif (evalstandard_input > 100):
					n = []
					n = standard_input.split(".")
					firstsplit = n[0]
					splitlength1 = len(firstsplit) - 1
					secondsplit = n[1]
					firststandard = firstsplit[0]
					secondstandard = firstsplit[1:splitlength1] + secondsplit
					print(firststandard + "." + secondstandard + " X 10 ^ " + str(splitlength1))
					print("This Is Not An Acceptable Number")
                                            ########## IF STANDARD THEN DO THIS ##########
			print("This Is Not An Acceptable Number")
		if (nos == "standard"):
			science_input_coefficient = input("Please Enter The Coefficient Of The Scientific Notation You Would Like To Convert Into A Regular Number: ")
			science_input_exponent = input("Please Enter The Exponent Of The Scientific Notation You Would Like To Convert Into A Regular Number: ")
			if (science_input_exponent.isalpha() == False and len(science_input_exponent) > 0):
				if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False and len(science_input_coefficient) > 0):
					eval_science_input_coefficient = eval(science_input_coefficient)
					eval_science_input_exponent = eval(science_input_exponent)
					if (science_input_coefficient.isdigit() == False):
						if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False):
							if (eval_science_input_coefficient >= 1):
								if (eval_science_input_coefficient <= 10):
									timeswhat = 10 ** eval_science_input_exponent
									answer = eval_science_input_coefficient * timeswhat
									print(science_input_coefficient + " X 10 ^ " + science_input_exponent)
									print("The Coefficient Must Be Less Than Ten!")
								print ()
								print ("The Coefficient Must Be Greater Than One!")
							print("This Is Not A Realistic Coefficient!")
					elif (science_input_coefficient.isdigit() == True):
							if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False):
								if (eval_science_input_coefficient >= 1):
									timeswhat = 10 ** eval_science_input_exponent
									answer = eval_science_input_coefficient * timeswhat
									print(science_input_coefficient + " X 10 ^ " + science_input_exponent)
									print ()
									print ("The Coefficient Must Be Greater Than One!")
							print("This Is Not A Realistic Coefficient!")
				print("This Is Not A Realistic Exponent")
			print("You Did Not Enter \"science\" or \"standard\"!")


It was certainly specific to Ubuntu/Debian. Itā€™s what my class used, mainly. Most of the kiddies this script was for couldnā€™t handle Gentoo. :smile:

However, Bootstrapper? I donā€™t think so. Unless you mean that in a way different from its usual meaningā€¦?


ā€œBootstrappingā€ on @Wikipedia: Bootstrapping - Wikipedia

The only bootstrapping done is modifying the existing init.d scripts for programs like Apache or an FTP server. The script itself doesnā€™t load or do anything unless the script is called via shell.

My first python project

Heh, I remember that :smiley: But really, what was your first coding project? (this includes markup! Woo! :smiley:)
<Goodluck finding your first .html file :troll:>

no, markup doesnā€™t count for me.

Yeah, if markup counted, my very first project would have been a Yahoo! GeoCities site I had as a kid.

Oh, wat. GeoCities? REALLY?! :open_mouth:

In this case my first project would be a tiny website I had in the 3rd grade :stuck_out_tongue: just learning HTML

My first ever officially real project was a hangman game in python which took me a week to make :smiley: