Today’s Topics:
- An Interview with BitByte
- Setting Up Sponge in your IDE
- Quote of the Week
- Question of the Week
An Interview with BitByte
How and Why did you come to Sponge, instead of other alternatives?
I came to sponge mainly because it was the most promising option, and had the largest amount of support as well as being developed around very well known developers.
What’s the idea behind your username?
This is kinda a tough one, as there isn’t really much of a story behind it. I more or less started calling myself BitByte after I got bored of BitcoderMC (which was the name i was planning on getting before I changed my mind). Either way the name stuck and I kept it.
What made you start programming?
I started programming because I in the past ran a private bukkit server (over hamachi… yes I was a noob) the server had a variety of interesting plugins (most of which I can’t remember and likely ceased development). It interested me on how they were able to do so many cool and complicated things so I went on to learn how to code in java and bukkit.
What’s the story about BitByte.exe?
The story behind BitByte.exe started more as a joke in the Corrupt-A-Wish thread if I remember correctly. Although after other people started using it I guess it became it’s own form of inside joke or meme.
Who inspires you the most?
Hm… for this I probably will have to say EDM music. I usually sit down and listen to some of it so I can get some ideas for what I want to make (I’m getting back into EDM production as well, but that’s another story in itself.) It also gives me a change to take a break from coding if I get stressed out and don’t have a good solution to a bug.
What’s your favorite Operating Cookie (OC)?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that term before…
Give your feedback on this video.
Rick roll link detected, attempting to annihilate… BitByte.exe has stopped working…
Thank you for your time @BitByte!
Setting Up Sponge in your IDE 
@gabizou was nice enough to provide a video tutorial for IntelliJ IDEA users on How to Import Sponge to IntelliJ:
The video itself might be approximately 3 minutes, but it will take longer because of setting up your DecompWorkspace (varies depending on how fast your computer runs).
Quote of the Week 
Question of the Week 
What is your favorite song, out of all others?
Reply down below!
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