Zml's Configurate : How to retrieve a map

Hi, I need to store/retrieve a Map<String, Transform<World>> in a ConfigurationNode
I wrote my class who implement TypeSerializer<Transform<World>> and I registered it in default serializers.
If I store/retrieve just one Transform<World> it work but if I want to store a map I get a ClassCastException(Map to Transform<World>)
Here is my TypeToken :

 new TypeToken<Map<String, Transform<World>>>(Map.class) {}.where(new TypeParameter<String>() {}, String.class).where(new TypeParameter<Transform<World>>() {}, new TypeToken<Transform<World>>(Transform.class) {})

What i’m doing wrong ? Can someone help me ?

I hope I was clear, English is not my native language.

Can you post how this is stored in your configuration?

I tried to reproduce your problem with a (rather barebone) implementation of the TypeSerializer<Transform<World>>. This test passes for me and I could not find anything to indicate where your problem originates.

Please provide a full stacktrace and the relevant portions of the code.

I found my error, I was using a non-anonymous class to create my typetoken.
Thank for your help !