Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

@dualspiral most plugins i use dont work with the lattest sponge versions, i dont know why

1719 should work fine for you

build 1720 broke the loading of some plugins, and was hotfixed in build 1724

The problem with using Sponge for 1.10.2 is that it’s currently undergoing a lot of changes and is not yet stable. We’re always targetting the latest code, because that’s what is most likely going to become the official version for Sponge.

As for some of your plugins, for 1.10.2, if they don’t target API 5, or don’t even keep up with Sponge, there is a big chance they’ll break. This has even happened with Nucleus. You need to bug them if their plugins break.

1727 should work fine then?

Build 1724:
Adjust invalid plugin ID’s to avoid plugin not loading.
Until plugin’s update their ID’s to not contain dot notation, the ID
will simply be adjusted to contain only the last word so it can still

i would say any build after 1724

Finally, kits are working fine @dualspiral

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so setting the kit works but redeeming it makes the item go to equipment slots
like in this picture (just hover over link) Screenshot - 210b0ae72d57babd692522008be8f5da - Gyazo

and doing /seen <player> dosen’t work Screenshot - 38bd36ab1fed63a4e8c4abb5d9d4170e - Gyazo
tried both mixed case and lower

both issues might be me doing something wrong, just wanted to tell them.

That first issue is known - it’s the Sponge implementation, which I may admittedly be using incorrectly and might be able to fix. I’ll investigate, but it’s not a breaking bug.

As for /seen - any error messages in the console? I expect not, but it’s worth a shot. Also, have you got a nickname on?

No, i don’t use a nick.

These error happen around the same time i was playing with /seen
(all these errors are happen in 5 seconds), don’t know if they are related to that issue or nucleus:

After some 12hours on this version, all seems fine - I haven’t had any resetting. So yes, they do work! :grin:

I have a suggestion, can we have a modification of the /homes command for admins where we specify a player name, such as ‘/homes PlayerNameHere’ and it will display to us PlayerNameHere’s homes through clickable links as if they were our own?

This would make tracking down rule breaking and spread out exploits MUCH easier.

do /homeother <playername>

sadly i don’t get that command to work, says it cant find any user with that name.

You have to know the name of the players home if they have more than 1. So if they have named their homes

Home and Bug

You would have to do /homeother BenTheAwesome Bug and then it would take you to their home called bug. If you do /listhomes BenTheAwesome itll show you his homes and their names as well as coordinates.

at least for me it isn’t working and doing
/listhomes iia and /homeother iia home

both turn:
Could not find user with the name "iia".
Usage: /listhomes ?|[<player>]

and yes iia is a regular player, so i should be able to seem him. :slight_smile:


  • Are they offline?
  • Is that their nickname or proper IGN?
  • Sponge version?

If you turn on debug mode in the config and run the command, what do you get, if anything? I just checked both 1.8.9 and 1.10.2, and the only reason I get thrown out is if I’m offline and try to use my nickname, you can only use nicks if they are online.

No nicknames were involved in my tests, all proper IGN.

Same result if the player is online

Minecraft: 1.10.2
SpongeAPI: 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6211516
SpongeForge: 1.10.2-2079-5.0.0-BETA-1727
Minecraft Forge:

or maybe something updated in the plugin? do i need to wipe some files?

The bold numbers have to match. Try downgrading Forge to build 2079.

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looks like im on my own, this issue does not appear in a clean install of 2079 and 2086 with only sponge and nucleus installed.

but the gist link with the “wall-of-error” happen when the server was running on 2079 and when i did /seen then tab to get name (no name came up btw)

still trying to see if there is any old files i need to clean out.

Would it be feasible to allow permission based spawns?
I’m aware that warps can be set up, but for fluidity, allowing players to stick to /spawn and have it send them to a specific one based on permission would be a nice feature.

Hey @dualspiral im trying to create info, inside the nucleus/info, i creat 2 info txt, vote with the text and economy with the text

They both work fine and in game when i do /info both show up
Now im trying to create another info txt with the text, but when i do /nucleus reload, it gives this error