[Abandoned] 🔑 PermissionManager [v3.0.1] [API 5.X] A simple and easy permission plugin

Wiped back to the default ‘null’ contents on a restart after editing.

Should that not be done with it live?

If it’s just one file, you had an error in your file.

It was more than one.
Guessing that means more than one error.
But pretty sure I read that you’d fixed it so they didn’t wipe on errors?

On the first version of PM it was protected. I will add it. If you want to edit your files, you should use a tool to parse your file. It will detect your errors. I use yamllint, it’s an online parser.

PermissionManager 2.2

  • English
    • Wiki updated.
      • Tutorial on how to start with PermissionManager
  • Français
    • Wiki mis Ă  jour.
      • Tutoriel sur comment dĂŠbuter avec PermissionManager


Hi, djxy!
thanx for your plugin ! its helped me ! (=^ ^ =)

One thing, about WIKI in github.

-Eng — How to start
-OP system
-“comand”=> pm user your_username set permission *

its comand is, pm userS your_username set permission *

is it?

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Yes, it is users and not user. My bad. I will fix it.

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PermissionManager 2.3.0

@blood is currently helping me to make PermissionManager works with GriefPrevention.

@Arckenver Nations rule has been updated. Also, Nations works with the rule home.
@Mr_Daniel12321 AdventureMMO now has its rule.



Great work ! :thumbsup:

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May I know what version of forge and sponge are you using for API 5.X?

I don’t know, I can’t check now. Why?

Ah I’d appreciate if I could get the build numbers, even if it takes a day. I’ve just started making my own server and this plugin has all I need, so everything needs to be flawless;3 Permissions are the backbone of the server and wouldn’t want to run into unexpected errors later on since I’m inexperienced when it comes to sponge.

It was Sponge 5.0.0-BETA-1798 or 5.0.0-BETA-1797 with Forge 2098. I will confirm it tonight.

Cheers! I’ll wait till then.

I’m using 5.0.0-BETA-1798.

Thank you!
Can start working now

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Is it natural for group configs to be like this? I wanted to set the rank of this group to find this. Group ‘Trainer’ is the default group.

Yes, you have to save it to update your file.

Is there any way to ‘set’ a group instead of adding it to the previous one?
For example Player X is a Mod and I want to promote him to Admin. Adding groups would include Admin and Mod both of them and would require manually removing Mod.

You can use the promotions.

Promotion: https://github.com/djxy/PermissionManager-2.0/wiki/Eng-—-Promotions#what-is-a-promotion

Commands: https://github.com/djxy/PermissionManager-2.0/wiki/Eng-—-Commands#promotions