PermissionManager is a permission plugin with a lot of features to let the administrators controls the permissions and the groups on their server. Everything is thought to be as easy as possible for anyone.
Excelent plugin, i will try to use (PEX still too many complicated), but can you change the alias to other diferent of /pm because on my server /pm is an alias of private message.
Cooldown permissions are extremely interesting. However this means that running /help will potentially trigger the permissions check.
In order for plugins to support this, they need to make dynamic permission checks, and NOT provide that permission to the Sponge commandSpec system.
e.g. granting BetterHouses.command.create using the help system, if the player doesn’t have that permission they can’t continue. And then before the command is executed, test BetterHouses.command.create.cooldown or something, or BetterHouses.command.create.use
I set the groups.yml and players.yml - But as soon as the server starts, the files revert back to default - All the groups are gone, just default remains and the player list empties out.
I’ve been using your example page on the wiki as a guide - Just wipes the files back to what I’ve posted above… Even just adding the Admin group with the permissions of *, doesn’t seem to stick.