[Abandoned] 🔑 PermissionManager [v3.0.1] [API 5.X] A simple and easy permission plugin

C’est ce que je viens de voir, bon bah dit toi qu’il y a peut-ĂȘtre un problĂšme Ă  ce niveau lĂ  (ou alors c’est moi XD)

J’ai modifier des Ă©lĂ©ments, mais les commandes ne sont pas encore a jour. Donc sa peut affecter d’autre chose.

Du coup, je te souhaite bonne chance pour la suite ^^

Un truc qui peut ĂȘtre sympa: un systĂšme de blocage de permissions (bloquer des permissions indiquĂ©es).

Tu peux. Fais sa dans le fichier de configuration !permission.123.test sa bloque la permission.

merci beaucoups!

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Is there a way to let other plugins handle the player’s name? For example I’m using EssentialCmds and I want it to handle the formatting of the name and to let players use nicknames, but the “suffix” in PermissionsManager’s config.yml is overriding the player name regardless of what permissions I give to players or how I set EssentialCmd’s config. I tried leaving “suffix:” blank but that removed the player name entirely.

Currently you can’t, I could look to add this possibility.

ehi man, it’s a really nice plugin, but could you add a reload? cause i’m setting permissions with the files, and i can’t restart always the server D:

Don’t work

Why? Because it crash?

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Hello, I’ve been trying to use your manager, but whenever I try to set ‘*’ permission, it just doesn’t work. I tried to use the permission command in the console, but I don’t know if I did it right (pm group Owner set permission ‘*’). I also tried editing the groups.yml file and gave the group ‘*’ permission, but nothing happened, I logged back on the server and I still couldn’t use any commands. Do you have any idea what’s going on? Here’s the screenshot of my the group in groups.yml folder: http://puu.sh/pJb7T/2d8366071c.png

You have to set yourself in the group. When the server is starting, you have no permission. The OP system doesn’t works anymore.

The problem is that I am set in the group, I have the Owner prefix before my nickname, but I still don’t have the commands.

Can I see your config?

Should I put them in pastebin or do you want the files?

http://pastebin.com/pn90b2cX : that’s that’s the config
http://pastebin.com/6B23hXQT : groups and players
And promotions are null.

Do you have an error in the console.?

Oh, I can see it now,
28.06 20:19:52 [Server] INFO found character ‘\t(TAB)’ that cannot start any token. (Do not use \t(TAB) for indentation)
28.06 20:19:52 [Server] INFO in ‘reader’, line 6, column 1:
28.06 20:19:52 [Server] INFO permissions:
28.06 20:19:52 [Server] INFO ^

Without TAB it’s being recognized as a command (blue, instead of red), but then, how do i tab it without making the error?

From what I see, without TAB, it doesn’t recognize Owner group as it parent, but makes it a completly new group named Permissions

Also, as I can’t make more replies than 3, mind if I add you on skype or somewhere, so we can discuss it?

I tried replacing it with 4 spaces, but I still don’t get the permissions.

Replace tabs with 4 spaces

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