Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer

Shrek. Shrek. Shrek.

Lama slapping is for nubs, what do you think?

404: Brain not found.

Where is the ring of power?

Batman has it!

What shade of monkey are my blue eyes?

Their upper shade.

What is π102342134259776124876923410573048234?

What if microsoft was not kill?

They would die.

How many clones of myself do I need to screw in a light bulb?

A big enough screw driver.

Can I has oxiclean?

Only if your less than 140cm tall.

Can I has chese burgggger??

Only for 300 octagons.

1337/0 or 9001/0?


Is a 2kg cat fat or skinny?

He’s 2kg.

What is the meaning of life?

A giant banana that consumes you.

Where is the banana man?

He’s behind/in front of you. Can I has Nodiz?

Only if I know what it is. Is @The_Doctors_Life the nude, slippery, deaf guy?

Only when shrek divided by 0.

Is what @DotDash said going to become some kind of local meme now or something?

Onlly if flicking a noodle will be. Quadruple the awesomeness?

Only if Quadruple the negativeness as well. Can @DotDash flip tables?

What could I have actually accomplished with the last 2 hours?

@DotDash can flip YOU.

Only with the proper motivation. :trollface: :desk_flip:

Less than you could-have had you been drunk for 3.

Does the index of all indexes contain itself as an entry?

Glass butter.

Explain this GIF: