Ban list - Who should we ban before we really get started?

Anyone from Curse. They will swallow the community and serve no real purpose.

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/me nominates everyone on this thread to be banned. (Including myself).


You get my points. I vote to ban @Garrison :smiley:

ME! :smiley:

But in all seriousness, don’t see why we need to ban anyone yet. I think Sponge shouldn’t be excluding people, no reason has been given why we should yet. :wink: After all, Sponge is a new beginning.

This doesn’t sound like a good idea, but I nominate Wolverness and Microsoft.

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Why is it everyone keeps saying "lol, let’s ‘ban Microsoft’ ".

Yeah, good luck with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I vote to ban sk89q
I have reason to believe he is a robot.

skynet 2014


I vote for myself to be banned.

I allowed myself too much of a freedom to comment on the things around forum, and mostly to criticize. You do not need that kind of attitude around here before the project even started properly.

If you miss the window of opportunity, it could be too late afterwards. :slight_smile:


I nominate Zidane. I have the feeling he’s preparing his world domination. :wink:

BBC news reported Microsoft was to buy minecraft :confused:

Herobrine. That Utter Bastard. He’s behind all this.


I nearly forgot, we must ban 1 Direction too!


I’d rather ban Justin Bieber, for sure ;).


Let just ban all “Celebrity” justin, niki , blablalba and we are ready to go :slight_smile:

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I have already had the chance to ban @TnT on a server I was admin on. It was quite fun. :stuck_out_tongue: Back then he wasn’t as big in the Minecraft community if I remember, but just getting there (about 3 years ago). obviously now he is a great asset and I am glad he is sticking around.(I think he is still banned on my server though…) :smiley:

That Wolverness needs to go, let’s strike!

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Then go have a look, see if he’s sill banned on the server.

@Spurlex I woulda agreed with you yesterday but that grum knowledge is too good for me. I need him for developmemt

I vote we should ban turt2live. Before he starts coming over to all the forum posts and say “Not qualified comment” or “missing period” and making our inbox +1k like @obnoxint 's
<3 ya @turt (didnt tag him cause i wanted to see how long it would take him to find this post)


Who is this @TnT guy anyway… I think I’ve seen him trolling a lot ont the bukkit forums…

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Everyone who posted on this thread.

We should also ban @sk89q and @blood