Granted, but Taco was full of vegetables, broccoli and such horrible food you don’t want in a taco.
I want nothing. :3
Granted, but Taco was full of vegetables, broccoli and such horrible food you don’t want in a taco.
I want nothing. :3
Granted but you get everything.
I want a top score on TF2
Theoretically you did not grant my wish then?
Granted, but nobody plays TF2 anymore.
I wish for more coffee.
Granted, but that coffee is made from pure coffee beans and you throw up
I wish for a horde of bunnies!
Granted, but they are killer bunnies that steal your food.
I want to get my homework done.
Granted, but the dog ate it.
I want to stop replying to this thread.
Granted but I went back in time to post this 1 second after your post.
I wish sponge was completely done tomorrow.
Granted. But Mojang releases their ModAPI on the same day.
I wish Mojang really did release their ModAPI…
Granted, but Sponge development was stopped!
I wish for a pony
Granted, but you have no legs.
I wish for chocolate!
Granted but you have no mouth
I wish for Diamonds!!!
Granted, but there is no iron for a pickaxe to mine them.
I wish for a time travel Delorean!
Wish granted, but the doors are welded shut and the inside is filled with concrete.
I wish for a talking monkey
Granted, but he doesnt say anything nice to you.
I wish I didnt have to work anymore.
Granted, except this talking monkey gives out all your passwords and provides everyone your personal information.
I wish for a wallet that contains infinite money. This wallet would provide me with 1 perfect condition 100 dollar bill and when I take it out it replaces it with a new one in perfect condition. I shall never experience any negative experiences from this wallet. This wallet shall not cause harm to me or any people. This wallet can only be used by me. This wallet is unknown to anyone but me. The money I receive is completely legal, would never lose value and no one would suspect anything about it. This wallet cannot disappear and will always stay in my possession. This wallet has no life whatsoever and is completely inanimate. This wallet is made from the finest leather and nothing else. This wallet cannot burn nor be destroyed, or damaged. (Good luck)
Granted, but money is now worthless.
I wish my car could grow wings and fly.
“This wallet would provide me with 1 perfect condition 100 dollar bill and when I take it out it replaces it with a new one in perfect condition” " I shall never experience any negative experiences from this wallet." " The money I receive is completely legal, would never lose value and no one would suspect anything about it."
How… ( I kinda cheated… >.<)
Anyways your car flew away.
I wish sponge would come out already.
Granted however Sponge is just an early April Fools Joke and only rick rolls people on join.
I wish people would rick roll more often.
Granted, but they all rickroll you.
I wish people write groovy/scala instead of Java
Granted, however those 2 programming languages become the only ones on the planet and many vital programs collapse due to no-one knowing how to program other languages.
I wish that all my hw would be done and I would know how to do all of it without trying.