Granted, but it needs to be charged for 3 hours to go 1 mile.
I wish for donuts.
Granted, but it needs to be charged for 3 hours to go 1 mile.
I wish for donuts.
Granted, but then the Grinch steals all of your keys.
I wish that everyone was nice in the world.
Granted, but you’re now fat
I wish for @ButterDev to be less fat
Granted, but
I wish for a million dollars.
Granted, but you get mugged and you lose it all along with your thumbs
I wish for linux to support adobe products (or adobe to support linux, or linux to build houses out of adobe bricks)
Granted, but Microsoft then buys Adobe and only allows it for Windows.
I wish Jesus will come back already.
Granted, he’s arrested for getting high (cause he’s a hippie)
I wish Jesus would not be arrested
Granted, but he sends you to Hell for blasphemy, since he is not a hippie.
I wish you were not in Hell.
Granted, He gets stuck in limbo
I wish i could order free amazon packages
Granted, but only prime members can order packages.
I wish for a unicorn.
@ButterDev Granted, but they are a North Korean conspiracy.
I wish I would just make a mod already.
Granted, but it doesn’t work no matter how hard you try.
I wish Destiny 2 would come out for Xbox One tomorrow.
(Ignore the Reply to DarkArcana, Whoops)
Granted, The online features don’t work
I wish Metal Gear Solid V would come out for PC already
Granted, but it’s overrun by bugs the next day and the devs stop developing and discontinues the game.
I wish for a pie.
I wish I owned Nvidia
Granted, but Wolverness sends nVidia DMCA takedown request then your emplyees all quit on the same day and the company goes bankrupt and dissolves into nothing.
I wish I wasn’t hungry.
@Billy Granted, but you also can never eat anything ever again.
I wish Linux made a competent desktop (year of the desktop).
Granted, but it turns into a closed-source pile of windows XP
I wish I worked on Sponge.
Granted, but then you DMCA it.
I wish C# didn’t give me nightmares.
Granted, Lisp gives you nightmares
I wish EE2 was continued