[BlizzardGame] Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted, but it needs to be charged for 3 hours to go 1 mile.

I wish for donuts.

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Granted, but then the Grinch steals all of your keys.

I wish that everyone was nice in the world.

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Granted, but you’re now fat

I wish for @ButterDev to be less fat

Granted, but

I wish for a million dollars.

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Granted, but you get mugged and you lose it all along with your thumbs

I wish for linux to support adobe products (or adobe to support linux, or linux to build houses out of adobe bricks)

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Granted, but Microsoft then buys Adobe and only allows it for Windows.

I wish Jesus will come back already.

Granted, he’s arrested for getting high (cause he’s a hippie)

I wish Jesus would not be arrested

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Granted, but he sends you to Hell for blasphemy, since he is not a hippie.

I wish you were not in Hell.

Granted, He gets stuck in limbo

I wish i could order free amazon packages

Granted, but only prime members can order packages.
I wish for a unicorn.

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@ButterDev Granted, but they are a North Korean conspiracy.

I wish I would just make a mod already.

Granted, but it doesn’t work no matter how hard you try.

I wish Destiny 2 would come out for Xbox One tomorrow.

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(Ignore the Reply to DarkArcana, Whoops)

Granted, The online features don’t work

I wish Metal Gear Solid V would come out for PC already

Granted, but it’s overrun by bugs the next day and the devs stop developing and discontinues the game.
I wish for a pie.


I wish I owned Nvidia


Granted, but Wolverness sends nVidia DMCA takedown request then your emplyees all quit on the same day and the company goes bankrupt and dissolves into nothing.

I wish I wasn’t hungry.


@Billy Granted, but you also can never eat anything ever again.

I wish Linux made a competent desktop (year of the desktop).

Granted, but it turns into a closed-source pile of windows XP

I wish I worked on Sponge.

Granted, but then you DMCA it.
I wish C# didn’t give me nightmares.

Granted, Lisp gives you nightmares

I wish EE2 was continued