Core v2.8.1c

And for the third time:

As soon as Sponge has implemented all the required stuff I’ll be able to add the command to import worlds.

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thank you no worries.

Its better to add world alias

you might provide any reason why?

being used to make the worldname become other language and more colorful(not white)

I don’t restrict server owners to name their world whatever they want. The world overview is just for administration purposes to be honest… If it’s that much of a dorn in your eyes feel free to fork and adjust Core.


I have a question why new world we created is reflected in the world but not of the world record in a different folder, for example in another folder that would carry the name world2 like that we could end up better in the record Bukkit worlds with the world was to create a server root boring when you can to plusieurx worlds but if all new worlds are rediscovered in a single folder that world it would be more simple?.

Thats nothing Core related. It’s simply how Forge handles the world structure. :wink:

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So it is that Bukkit that new finds at the root? or multiverse?.

CraftBukkit/Spigot would create an entirely seperate folder and store it in root for every world generated. There are 2 big problems with this…

  1. This differs from Vanilla and Forge. Both Vanilla and Forge store all new worlds within the main overworld folder. So by keeping it the same structure, we do not need to worry about users that remove Sponge nor worry about converting back and forth between structures.
  2. This can easily clutter the root server folder.

Sponge will not follow the world structure that CraftBukkit/Spigot used. Get used to how vanilla/forge handles it because that is how it will remain =)

Note: I do plan on adding support eventually to migrate from a CraftBukkit/Spigot server to Sponge.

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thanks for the information

Hi ! Still thanks for your works :wink:
I think its good idea to add /world info ? ^^

Thanks <3

Hi, Creepster!
Core does not work on latest Sponge 1.8-1521-2.1-DEV-737
Error code:


Hi Flashbackk, I’ll add that in one of the upcoming versions! :wink:


Thanks for reporting this issue! I’ll fix this as soon as I arrive home.

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Enchant Command:

/enchant sharpness 3
This enchants the item on your hand with Sharpness on level 3.

/enchant sharpness remove / 0
This removes the enchantment “Sharpness” from the item on your hand.

Every repeat would add an enchantment or overwrite the old one

/enchant sharpness 3
/enchant defense 3
/enchant sharpness 4

Item has sharpness level 4 and defense level 3



Inventory Check Commands:

/inventory KAISERslin check
This gives you an output of the items in KAISERslin’s inventory

/inventory KAISERslin remove [ItemID] [Amount]
This removes x amount of item ItemID


If EnchantmentData is implemented yet, /enchant will be added within the upcoming versions.

As Inventories aren’t implemented yet there’s currently no way to add/remove/get items from inventories.
As soon as thats implemented we are good to go! :wink:

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I’m just kind of bored at work so I spam some suggestions :stuck_out_tongue:
I do not need them - so no worries.


Thank, Creepster!
Looking forward corrected build :wink:

##Core v2.6.0a has been released:

Core is now compatible with Sponge 737+

Added commands:

/i <item> [amount]
/give <player> <item> [amount]
/zone claim <name>

Added permissions:


Added PEX options:

claim-zones (The maximum zones a player is allowed to aim)
claim-blocks (The maximum blocks per zone a player is allowed to claim)
claim-total (The maximum total blocks a player is allowed to claim)

You can set these options to “unlimited” which will allow a group to ignore a certain limit.