Core v2.8.1c

Alright I will update whenever you finish that. Thanks.

Even if it was a lot of work today you helped me A LOT! Thanks for testing that much! :wink:
With the latest version (v2.0.1c) everything should be fine.

Iā€™d recommend having a look at the permissions. I replaced the critical permissions and removed permissions like ā€œcore.warpā€. Please do no longer use permissions like ā€œcore.warpā€ ā€œcore.homeā€ ā€œcore.ticketā€ ā€¦ as they grant players access to the entire ticket system, complete warps and so onā€¦ :weary:

Iā€™ll test this for you in a minute. I have a lot of time on my hands, I enjoy testing.
Ends up I have the majority of posts in here :stuck_out_tongue:

Real Quick
Should I just remove this
chat {
format="%prefix%player%suffix&8: &f"
or make it so its like
chat {
format=" "

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oh excuse me! Ive added something for that, Ill upload the version in a minute :smiley:

Alright cool, sounds good I will wait for that update :P.

There we go! In the latest version your configuration file should look like this:

chat {
    format="%prefix%player%suffix&8: &f"

So you can disable Coreā€™s formatting and use another onesā€¦ :smiley:

Alright Iā€™ll give it a test. One moment.

chat {
format="%prefix%player%suffix&8: &f"

^ use = false doesnā€™t seem to work.

Alright Permissions seem to be fixed. :slight_smile:

Edit: afk=false seems to work yes, but if Iā€™m not moving for a set time it still displays in chat that is now afk and when I come back. Is there a way to disable that in general, not just the command. For if not I will have it say blah is afk twice for two plugins have that feature :P.

Maybe have it set up so if a ticket is closed the system checks to see how many tickets are closed and if they have been there for over a day it clears it or on server stop it clears all tickets. (Enable and Disable so people can choose)

The chat issue is fixed now! Feel free to disable Coreā€™s formatting at anytime :stuck_out_tongue: I added a function to disable to auto-afk system as well so make sure your configuration file looks like this:

afk {

Autoremoving tickets might be interesting :wink: Will have some thoughts on that. Thanks for all the testing!!

Alright, Iā€™ll test it out for ya. Give me one minute.

Afk Timer is working as is the chat set up.


If you plan on adding anything else tonight or updating let me know and I will test for ya. Will be testing all night.

Glad to hear that! :wink: Seems like we reached another milestone with the latest version which finally fixed a lot of bugs! :smile:

Thanks for all the testing! If there is something you can help me with Iā€™ll let you know :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looking forward to it.

Any chance we could have a system where when players join it gives them a book that has writing in it.

We can alter whats in the book via a .txt file

Receive it on first join but only on first join.

I will definitely implement this when ItemData is fully implemented. As soon as thats done, Core will provide the commands /i, /give and /kit as well as offering server owners to mark a kit to be added on first join! :wink:

Unless I am missing something, it would be nice if you would make it easier for people to download your plugin directly to a server by providing a download link, instead of a link to an advertising repository, which only allows downloading via a browser or their ā€œMegaSyncā€.

Iam setting up a server for this in the next few days. Unfortunately this was the easiest way for now to provide a static download link for my plugin. Didnā€™t even notice the advertising as Iam using AddBlock :smile:

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Thats why you go to all downloads

##Core v2.1.0a has been released!

As Sponge made a huge update, Core had to make one as well. You can now use the plugin in combination with the latest Sponge build (603+).

Also, you can now customize your join, leave and firstjoin message in the new Messages.conf file.

events {
    firstjoin {
        message="&e%player &7has joined for the first time!"
        uniqueplayers {
            message="&e%players &7unique players already joined."
    join {
        message="&e%player &7has joined."
    leave {
        message="&e%player &7has left."

Have fun! - Creep

Mind stating that v2.1.0a is compatible with SpongeForge 592+?
Can get confusing in the future if you just say ā€œlatestā€.