Core v2.8.1c

I’ll try to get one if it isn’t due to my sponge version. I’ll let you know.

Thanks Tooth! I appreciate your feedback! :grin:

.591 fixed it ty.

Glad to hear that :wink: Let me know if there are any further problems!

Nvm I Was mistaken, still created the spam. I’ll just ignore it for now for as long as it doesnt create issues I will be fine.

core.ticket.create.3 (if you want to)
Results to that is “You do not have permissions.”
Im guessing you must have /core.ticket

yes as core.ticket allows access to the system itself! :wink:
Could you send me the full log please?

Would you like latest.log or which log?

fml-server-latest log :smile:

Interesting enough its only when my alt joins.
Narrowed it down if I need to renarrow it let me know.

[16:41:53] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge/]: The Scheduler tried to run the task Core-S-4 owned by SpongePlugin:Core Plugin{unknown}, but an error occured.

When my main account is on there no problem. When my other player joins then it spams console and such. When he leaves the error stops.

I will have a look into this! BTW: Is your server running in online mode?
Kinda odd as it works flawlessly on my local server :confused:

We’ll find a solution! :wink:

I’m running it on my computer as well. And yes, I am in online mode.

##Core has been updated to version 2.0.0a!

Which means that the Bug which @DaGaems mentioned is now fixed and the feature @Txk requested is fully implemented. So feel free to format your chat and add these PEX prefixes using Core! :wink:

Config option added:

chat {
    format="%prefix%player%suffix&8: &f"

Thanks for giving me feedback so the bug could get fixed.

I’m assuming I can disable color codes and such via the commands file.

I’ll try the update out to see if it fixes the issue.

Only if you use formatting codes ( &4 &3 &e … ) the color appears.

To use chat/sign color you need permissions so thats no problem :smile:

Seems to fix it. Time to try the Ticket situation again give me a minute.

So I can’t give them core.ticket for it gives them all the ticket commands.

So what do I do then?

Without core.ticket they can’t do any of the ticket commands. With it they can do all of them. With the other perms they still can’t do it.

Just to make sure:

By giving a player the “core.ticket” permission he just gets access to the system. Also, “/ticket help” will display all the commands. Both does not mean that he has permissions! Every subcommand is secured with its own permissions.

Example: Player tries /ticket assign 5 derp123
If player has the “core.ticket” permission he will be able to reach the /ticket assign subcommand but he will instantly get the message “You do not have permissions!” as the “core.ticket.assign” permission is missing! :wink:

Thanks for testing!


I gave default core.ticket

Tested it with my alt who isnt op or anything

And look:

Still has access to all perms. (Able to do all of those commands, some it has perms to but most it doesn’t. Shouldn’t have clear, assign, or any of those others.

On a side note how can I disable this:

Should I just remove this
chat {
format="%prefix%player%suffix&8: &f"
or make it so its like
chat {
format=" "

Hoolyy… Thanks for letting me know about this huge exploid! I totally forgot that permissions are working a little bit different now. The latest version fixes all the permission problems! No “core.ticket” anymore as it will grant players all the ticket permissions :wink:

This is the same for all your perms.


Yeah I already fixed those, just gotta do some work at tickets, give me 5 minutes and everything should be fine! :wink: